Trying to avoid the sugar rush is no easy task...

  • I have been having a conversation with my cousin about the whole sugar thing, and how she's tried to stay away from it. But for her it's hard, because of the fact that she is 5 months pregnant (gonna be an "auntie" in November!! AAAHHH! so excited!) Having talked to her about the whole thing has got me thinking about when I first started WW last February, and how in my first week, I lost 4 lbs. I think the reason why I did so well was because I stayed away from the processed foods, only having the WW and Lean Cuisine meals once or twice a week, having salads every day with light Italian dressing, and not having too many sweets. This passed Monday morning I weighed in and maintained my weight, which isn't bad considering how I've been doing. Right now my weakness is ice cream, and I've been wanting it every single night for a while now. I could buy a reduced fat version (which is what I normally lean towards), and stick to the 1/2 cup serving they allow you to have. But seriously, who can eat just a 1/2 cup of ice cream? NOT ME!! It's been very hard to break that habit. But, I have to say that altho I really wanted it tonight, I haven't eaten anything since dinner, which is not normal for me.

    The other problem with the sugar thing is I AM ADDICTED TO CHOCOLATE! Let's just put it this way, I have a bag of Lindor Truffles in my desk at work, and whenever I need a pick-me-up, I'll only allow myself 1 of those things. I honestly cannot remember the last time I reached into that bag and scarfed one down. I want to continue to keep it that way. I'm not looking forward to weigh in on Monday, and I'm debating if I actually want to do it or not. I'm thinking about skipping it this week, cus I'm afraid I'll freak out if I see what those numbers are. But I guess I'll never make my goal if I keep eating the way I have been, so I need to buckle down and get it done!
  • completely agree here!
    its even harder when your friends drag you to a chocolate and candy storebecause they think it would be funny. To see my longing face.
    But your going to make it dont worry
    with the ice cream give it as a treat. say you did extra hard on your work out or havent eatin crap in awhile then give it to your self. What i suggest is getting the little ice ream container the tiny ones that are ment to grab form the freezer and eat it. So you dont have an urge to eat a big tub .
  • First of all congratulations on your 4 lb loss! woohoo! Nothing better than seeing those numbers on the scale go down. If you're having trouble with sweets why not try a substitute for your ice cream and chocolate in the form of a SF fudgsicle. They only have 35-40 calories depending on the brand you buy and it's automatic portion control! It tames my sweet tooth and gives me something cold, creamy and chocolate all in one for very few calories. Also try light yogurt. WW makes several yummy flavors that are only 1 pt each. They have a new flavor, Cherry Cheesecake that I'm dying to try. I put it in the freezer until it's super thick and it's a healthy cool treat. Hope this helps and good luck with your new plan!
  • Well, I made it thru last night, and I was at the supermarket today getting stuff for scrambled eggs (yes, I do like having that for dinner.... ), and I walked in front of the ice cream freezer, looked at the Edy's Smooth Churned Mint Chocolate Chip, and was like, "eh, I don't want it." Walked over to the register, and left! I'm gonna keep going with this for a week and see how I do.

    aussienerd, you said that your friends took you to a chocolate store? I can just imagine how you felt when you walked in there. It also doesn't help that I'm dating a guy who don't like his veggies and won't go near fruit... but put a bacon cheeseburger in front of him, and it'll be gone in 2 seconds! He supports me in this, however. But, his whole family is skinny minny, so none of their food is "WW friendly"... I would love to blog more, but have to get ready for work... be back soon!
  • If chocolate is a trigger food, its probably a good idea not to have a bag of them beside you all day at work when your bombarded with all kinds of stressors that could make you need a "pick me up". Find other things that will work instead. I hear there is some mint choco chip gum out there (cant remember the brand) that may be a little fix for the choco need. I dont crave chocolate or really anything sweet so i am not sure what works for that.

    I heard that putting washed grapes in the freezer and eating them as a snack if your having a sugar craving is awesome and works well. Takes a while to eat them while watching TV for instance. Apparently they are just as good as a popsicle.
  • Good job at the market!

    I, too, struggle with the desire for sweets and have found a few things that help:
    • Gum
    • Fudgscicle
    • Skinny cow
    • Any 100 calorie ice cream

    Hope that helps!
  • I'm on WW but have decided to do much lower carbs. I did a modified Atkins style induction (bumped my net carbs to 40 and allowed nuts). Some things I learned from it -- I basically couldn't eat LC or WW dinners since they almost all have carbs or sugar added. Now I am eating whole grains so can do a few of the LC that do whole grains.

    For me, for chocolate I do OK with sugar alcohols -- don't cause cravings and don't give me intestinal distress. This is individual so just depends.

    I do find that 2 weeks later I really don't as much of a sweet tooth and really do avoid most added sugar. I also basically don't eat refined grains. It was a real eye opener but is a much simpler way of eating particularly eating out.

    Dark chocolate will usually be better than the chocolates that have more sugar also.