Sick and Tired of it!

  • So here we go again...but this time it's going to be different.

    I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life. 205 lbs. to be exact. I'm 5'6''. I've gone on countless diets, and I've never seen any results more than a couple pounds. I give in to my cravings and I come up with too many excuses to avoid working out. My breaking point was last week.

    I was cleaning out my closet and doing some rearranging. I found a pair of size 7 pants that I still had. I quickly tucked them away at the back of the closet, feeling ashamed and embarassed that I let myself get like this. Between a stressful job, a divorce and going back to school I lost track of myself. Well I'm here to say: I'M BACK!

    I'm ready for it. I'm ready for the sweat and tears. I know there will be times when I want to quit...but I'm ready to slap my weak self in the face!

    Lets do this!

  • Welcome =)

    Yep. There are going to be some times when it's tough, but there are also going to be plenty of times when it's absolutely grand!

    You definitely CAN do this! Best of wishes!
  • Good luck with your efforts!! YOU can do it!! Keep staying positive!!