Changes in your "cycle" from going LC?

  • Quick question:

    I am in my second week of induction on Atkins, and my "TOM" has come very early. I am on BC pills (for medical reasons) so I am like clockwork, and it is like 3 days early, and I have been spotting for about 3 days already... Has anyone else expericanced anything like this?

  • Hi Gina......i used to have the same problem. For what ever reason, my cycle did the same thing. Or would show up 1/2 thru my pkg of pills.

    You mentioned being on them for health "was" I, I have PCOS and take them to keep things regular. However, I decided to go off of them until I have the rest of my weight off. Hopefully no more than 3 months. Depending on how things go, will depend on wether or not I go back on them. I suspect I will, the hair growth on my chin will decide lol

    Hope this helps.....Robin
  • I have the opposite problem, mine is always late now.
  • I am with Dyan, my cycle is longer and better (not as much pms-ing).
  • I am coming up to my third cycle while doing low carb. The first one (after a month of low carb) I had no PMS and no breast swelling, which I normally have for about two weeks before my period. In fact when my period came I wasn't expecting it, whilst normally I'm ready a couple of days in advance. One thing I did notice was that it seemed to last longer than normal, but unscientifically I put that down to being better hydrated if that makes any sense.

    My second cycle was after I had started eating carbs again after Thanksgiving, and I had notable breast swelling and severe PMS. It was shorter than the last one but not as "productive" if you know what I mean (sorry, I don't know how to discuss this without sounding gross.)

    Now I am about two days away from getting it again. I was still eating carbs up until about January 6 and did experience breast swelling from Jan. 1 on. But when I started low carbing again the pain and swelling abated after about two days. I'm not PMSing that badly either, in fact I feel pretty good.

    TMI, I know, but I posted a thread about this some time ago because I was curious too!! Carbs tie in with insulin which impacts hormone levels. My doctor told me that because of my experience above, she thinks my breast swelling is tied to yeast, which you don't get much of when you are low carbing. Hope this helps.
  • Thanks Everyone!
    It's nice to know that I am not alone, and also that this is probably not due to something else... I started lo-carbing halfway through my cycle, so my body is probably very confused! I will see what happens next month. A reduction in PMS would be great! For me and my DH!