Intro to Doro

  • Hey I'm Doro. I'm a pretty interesting gal . I'll keep the newbie post to weight loss though. I've never been that skinny (save for first grade). My body was meant to be curvy, just not this curvy. I'm tall so people wayyy underestimate my weight. I have a med-large frame and am naturally muscular (under all of this lard). I used to practice Judo pretty regularly, but haven't been back to the mat since I had to take a break for health reasons. I'm currently a little over 6' and am around 277 lbs, I float anywhere from a size 18 to a size 22. I'm a bit quirky, so when I weigh myself I weigh in kgs, it makes me feel a tad better when stepping on the scales.

    I recently moved up to my grandmother's. The closest gym is 45 minutes away, but so is the closest McD's. So all I have as my gym equipment are some free-weights and the great outdoors I loose weight pretty easily and know all of the dieting tips out there. I just can't seem to keep it up which is one of the reasons I moved up here (less distractions=more focus).

    My goals are to be down to a solid size 16 by the end of this summer and to be below 200 by December. I don't want to be rail thin, I just want to fit into the airplane seat just a little bit better ^_^!

    If you have any questions just ask away!
  • Im glad you've set your goal and that you're happy with it. once you reach your goal, you never know! you may want to keep going down! good luck!
  • Quote:
    I just want to fit into the airplane seat just a little bit better ^_^!
    Oh dear.. I know what that's like.
    Hi Toong. Welcome to the forums.
    I am new here too.
    Count on me to cheer you on.
  • Welcome to 3FC =)

    Looks like you have some things going for you. You want to be more active, so don't let anything stand in your way. Choose to be active any way you enjoy, and in every little thing you do.

    Losing weight is going to take a food plan, too. Do you have one? If you're curious about different types of food plans check out Diet Central for some of the more well-known ideas. Choose something you can live with long term. Something that makes sense for your life.

    Hope to see you around the boards!
  • Welcome! Both to 3FC and to the Ozarks! There is a lot of great information and inspiration on the boards. Best of luck to you!
  • Welcome and good luck !
  • Hi! I'm jealous of your height, btw, my husband is suuuuuperinsanelytall and I wish I didn't come up to his armpit hahaha

    Food plan wise, I recommend going with calorie counting. It's the most natural way, and maintainable long-term, as you get used to how many calories things have. Need a balanced diet with it. And take a multivitamin and calcium!
  • Thank you for all the warm welcomes! I'm liking the forums so far
    Oooh I forgot my food plan

    1. Eliminating red meat for the most part (Korean BBQ being the exception) and sticking to lean protein (chicken breasts, fish, legumes)
    2. Getting the recommended fluid intake. My cardiologist wants me to drink at least 5 liters of fluids a day and half of that not being just water. (I have an electrolyte deficiency)
    3. Calorie Restriction! Trying to keep the intake at 1600 in small meals throughout the day.
    4. Thank goodness I love vegetables.
    5. When I bake, to limit myself to playing size card serving.
    6. Increasing my fiber intake.

    @ Sakurai - Being tall has it's advantages and disadvantages. Everyone (save for nanna) in my family is 5'8 and taller. I have my zoo-chewables at hand!

    @Breannabelle - Woo Pig Sooieee, I'm smack dab in N.Central AR (small 'ol town of Oxford) I can't wait to go hiking when it cools down a bit!
  • Welcome!! With your positive attitude you're going to do great
  • Welcome, Doro!
  • Glad you mentioned it - fiber is super important! Makes you feel fuller, as well as helps your digestion run smoothly. I tended to have a touch of bipolar intestines, if you know what I mean, so I take Metamucil. Love it, and would recommend it to anyone no matter what age who has any issues whatsoever.

    Of course this is on top of eating whole grains and veggies - that's the staple