milk chocolate pudding not good for me, help!

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  • Help! What happens if I buy something I do not like at all? I got the milk chocolate pudding and it is really bad.... any ideas on what I can make with it or add to it to make it better???
  • Oh dear I hate it too. Are you allowed to exchange packets? I had to add a packet of splenda and some cinnamon to even choke it down! Now I pretty much only drink the chocolate drink. I like it the best.
  • I added a splash or real vanilla, it made it at least tolerable. Some say warm and extra water for hot chocolate. i make mine into a shake by just adding more water.
  • I've never tried it but my center lets us exchange
  • Gosh, I really like it. I like the dark chocolate better, though.
    Just use it as a drink. Throw it in the blender with ice, vanilla and water. Makes a great shake.
  • thanks for all the great ideas! I appreciate it!
    By vanilla, do you mean the liquid baking kind?
  • Quote: thanks for all the great ideas! I appreciate it!
    By vanilla, do you mean the liquid baking kind?
    Yeah, the pure vanilla, and just a teaspoon roughly.
  • I mix the choc pud and about 4-5 oz of water and then add coffee and whatever WF dips like marshmellow and caramel or chocolate. I then put it in the fridge overnight for my moca breakfast in the AM. This is how I do both of my daily IP proteins.... I luv it!
  • Did anyone who found that they did not like the chocolate pudding make it into pudding cakes and liked it that way? I did not like the pudding as is, but would like to try it as a cake and I have to buy a whole box. I am thinking that it might be good as the cakes, and I am interested in making into a shake.

    I tried the chocolate drink (packet) warm yesterday and it was like I was drinking a hot chocolate from Starbucks! I would also like to try it with the pudding (make into drink) since the chocolate drink is significantly higher in carbs.

  • Sell any packets you don't like on EBAY!!! They sell really well there
  • My clinic lets you exchange also. I use a lot of the puddings as shakes with extracts, coconut, banana, vanilla, pepermint. They are really good that way.
  • I did not like the chocolate pudding or the muffin mix. They both looked really good but they tasted like nothing. I tried putting some vanilla, cocoa powder, instant espresso powder, and more Splenda in mine to make them taste like chocolate. It helped but not enough to make me want to buy the pudding or muffin mix again.

    The weird thing is that the chocolate drink is fantastic! I don't get why they can't make the chocolate pudding and muffin mix taste like the drink. Go figure...

  • ooooohhhh, I just had a thought- peppermint hot chocolate... O.M.G. that sounds like heaven!
  • I add peppermint extract, cinnamon SF syrup from Starbucks, or orange extract and some instant espresso powder and use that as a drink for breakfast. YUMMY!
  • Quote: Sell any packets you don't like on EBAY!!! They sell really well there
    wow! you are a genius!! thanks!