Hello Everyone

  • I've been lurking for a few weeks and realized as I read other posts that I have to post to get enough "status" to get a signature and a ticker. I really want a ticker, so I'll try posting a bit! I wasn't sure where I might fit in, but will start here and see what happens.

    I have been overweight for much of my adult life, but really topped out at just over 250 pounds a number of years ago. I've been there for quite a while. In January, thinking of turning 60 in March, something clicked. A friend was talking about having surgery for weight loss and several of us were trying to talk to her about all the other options and it motivated us all to join a gym and start eating better. I've lost 62 pounds since January 13th, down from 252 to 190. Today was a great day, as I broke the 60 pound mark, but better yet, with a BMI of 29.9, I am now officially only "overweight" and not obese. I'd like to lose 100 pounds in all. My big fear is that I will start to look baggy and old. Skin removal or surgery to tighten my skin is not an option, so I might adjust my ultimate goal. So far, so good.

    I did not join a weight loss group or program. First off - I exercise almost every day. Cardio and general exercise. I prefer classes at the gym, as I'm reluctant to quit in front of others, but find it hard to stay motivated when I'm alone. I cut most white carbs from my diet - most of the time. I cut portion sizes and added as many veggies and fruits as I want. I sort of count calories, but not strictly. I'm trying to stay at about 1300 - 1400, and I've tried very hard to cut sodium. I've added fiber, and I drink a lot of water. Other than that, it's pretty much staying away from the junk we all know isn't good for us and eating the way we know we should.

    I've set some mini goals and met them, so that's encouraging.

    1st - lose 25 pound by 3/25 when I went to visit DD in NC (lost 30)
    2nd - lose 45 pounds by nephew's wedding on 5/14 (lost 47)

    My next mini goal is to have lost 75 pounds by late August when I go on vacation with a bunch of friends.

    My graduating class should have had a reunion 2 years ago but we didn't. This year we are having a "60th Birthday Party" instead. I'd like to have lost 80 pounds by the party, which is mid September. This might be tough unless I really stick to the sensible eating while on vacation!

    After that, I'd like to be at my goal of 152 by Christmas.

    I am just going to keep on trying. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • Hi Lin and welcome to posting =)

    Amazing progress you've made! Truly great to read about someone else changing their habits, adding in movement... it's wonderful! Be proud!

    There's a 50+ Area, there's a Calorie Counters section, a 100lb Club, and all sorts of other areas where you'd be most welcome! Find a spot, or 10 and enjoy!

    Can't wait to see you around the boards!
  • Wow! Youve done great so far!! Keep up the good work!