New to site with a point question

  • Hi I am very excited about finding this wonderful site...I have 20kgs to lose before I turn 40 this year...

    I have a question regarding points on the ww diet...If i was to stick to 18 points how much is the average weight loss per week

    I would love to lose 1.5kgs per week do you think that possible...
  • 1.5kgs per week is a bit high for safe weight loss. The industry average is 1-2 pounds (about 0.5-1 kg) per week. Any more than that and you're losing muscle. Muscle is your calorie-burning furnace, so muscle loss is a BAD thing!

    What is your starting weight? Go with the recommendation WW gives you for minimum and maximum points. Any lower than that, and you run a severe risk of throwing your body into starvation mode, severely slowing your metabolism, and not being able to lose anything no matter how little you eat!

    No one can predict your rate of weight loss, since all bodies are different. Just work the program, and it will work for you. Welcome!
  • When I stayed after my first WW meeting, along with the other first timers, for our leader to explain the WOE, she told all of us to eat at least to the bottom number of our points range. She also told us that if by the end of the day you hadn't eaten to your bottom number, that you were to stay up and eat until you did. She explained that you have to eat to lose weight, and like mousie said your body will go into a starvation mode. Also, if you don't eat enough you may be starving inbetween meals, and make some unwise choices in what you eat, and just grab anything handy.
  • Thankyou so much for your advice it was very helpful