Need help from someone experienced, How to tell if you have excess skin for removal?

  • Hi all, I hope that someone out there can shed some light on the question I have today. I have lost 113lbs (starting 272, current 159) and I am considering having surgery to remove "possbile" excess skin. My problem is that I can't really tell if I have excess skin or not. I don't look like a person from the biggest loser that has huge amounts of skin that folds or "hangs", but my arms and thighs definately look disproportionate and "cheesy" compared to the rest of my body. I have been strength training to tighten my muscles for a little over a year now and have been doing all other exercises since I started my journey over 3 years ago. I have not consulted a doctor yet as my insurance will not cover any elective plastic surgery (military insurance) unless it poses a health hazzard- rashes, discomfort, etc. I basically need an opinion from someone who's been there and can tell me if they think I would benefit from this surgery or if the "fat/skin" I have isn't removalable. Thanks for any advice or replies. You can see a picture of myself on my blog at scroll down to the post titled June Side By Side. Thanks a billion! -Pepagirl
  • Congratulations on a great loss. Trust me, you will know if you have excess skin.
  • Its all about how you feel, plastics are for your self-esteem.

    Your age is a factor, young skin will come in some on its own over time. The surgery is very, very painful (I had a tummy tuck for excessive skin), recovery for any moving parts like thighs and arms can be more difficult with more scarring, and the money is a huge issue. I paid on the loans for two years.

    Though I love the results, after the horrid pain of my one plastic surgery, I decided that the little bit of loose skin on my arms, thighs, and buttock wasn't that bad!

  • Thanks for the replies so far, I hadn't thought about the scarring issues with arms and thighs so that is something I will keep in mind. I still have about 30lbs to lose before I get to my goal weight, so hopefully I'll see some changes yet. I could probably deal with the arms and thighs, but it's just so hard to have everyone notice that, "Hey your face and waist look so small, BUT too bad your arms and legs haven't caught up yet." Ok, maybe they don't put it quite like that, lol, but people definitely don't get why I could lose so much and still look huge when I wear shorts or sleeveless tops... Time will tell and I'm hoping for the best!
  • I'm too old and really don't care that much about what other people think, I needed to have the tummy done because I felt I didn't look like I had lost more then a 120lbs!

    Oh, and I tell them that I am a grandma...I have grandma arms and legs....DEAL with it! hehehehe
  • Your thighs look EXACTLY like mine.. it's frustrating =[ I never wear shorts in public. I'm hoping it will go away soon.. Let me know if you find out if it is "excess skin".. It's hard.. Idk what is worse.. lose skin or scars.. makes me :'(
  • Quote: Your thighs look EXACTLY like mine.. it's frustrating =[ I never wear shorts in public. I'm hoping it will go away soon.. Let me know if you find out if it is "excess skin".. It's hard.. Idk what is worse.. lose skin or scars.. makes me :'(
    I feel your pain on this one! I'll keep you posted (probably a pm) if I find anything out. If I still look like this after the last 30lbs is gone I am going to talk to my dr and see what her opinion is. Even if they won't cover surgery, they should be able to tell me if I could use it. Thanks for the reply.
  • thanks sounds good.. yeh..
    but you still look great!!!
  • Quote: thanks sounds good.. yeh..
    but you still look great!!!

    Thanks! I'm trying girl! I posted some of my old "Fat" pictures just today on my blog to show how far I've come. I just wish that stubborn fat would dissapear!
  • To lose that great deal of weight, you are bound to have extra skin that will not go anywhere no matter how much you diet and exercise. It's up to you what you can live with.
    I've lost 140lbs and I never thought I would consider surgery, I figured I did this to myself so deal with it. As I lost the weight, the skin got more and more. I told myself I'd see what I ended up with when I lost it all. Well, I ended up with a pannus of skin that flaps when I work out, and applauds for me when I run! I have rashes and splitting & cracking skin.
    I started researching the procedure and decided that I worked too hard to get where I am to still be unhappy with what I ended up with. My insurance approved the procedure and I am scheduled for surgery in September.
    If you do decide to have it done, research it well and make sure the surgeon you choose is acredited, has no complaints and has done MANY procedures on people with extreme weight loss. It is different than just a "tummy tuck". Ask to see pictures and speak to patients. A good Surgeon will have nothing to hide! If they can't produce that for you, move on and find one that will.
    They can also submit it to your insurance and if you have lost a great deal of weight, may be approved as a medical need. Document any "complications" rashes etc and take pictures just in case you decide to have the surgery and need them.
    There are many support boards out there too that you can get a wealth of info from.
    Good luck and congrats on the awesome loss so far!
  • I'm beginning to notice loose skin on my stomach, inner thighs, upper arms and chin (my chin is wrinkly). I know that skin takes longer to shrink up and I'm still on this journey, but occasionally I catch a glimpse of myself during workouts and I see my bat wings and my flapping inner thighs. Right now they are still fatty. Do they stay that fatty, or do they skinny down as you lose weight? Right now mine look almost exactly like this before photo:
  • Pepagirl - I just checked out your photos and your belly looks a bit mine mine did before my tummy tuck. Loose skin looks like, um, loose skin, but there can also something going on which my plastic surgeon described as "fat cells which have shed their contents". Fat cells can grow, shrink or multiply, but they will never disappear. After I lost weight, I still looked like I was carrying an extra ten pounds, mainly in my belly.

    A surgeon can evaluate you and tell you what your options are. As AmazonPrincess says, if you do decide to go down that route, you need to do your research and ask lots of questions.
  • Quote: I'm beginning to notice loose skin on my stomach, inner thighs, upper arms and chin (my chin is wrinkly). I know that skin takes longer to shrink up and I'm still on this journey, but occasionally I catch a glimpse of myself during workouts and I see my bat wings and my flapping inner thighs. Right now they are still fatty. Do they stay that fatty, or do they skinny down as you lose weight? Right now mine look almost exactly like this before photo.
    berryblondeboys I've got that batwing thing going on too. As for being "fatty", see my comment above - what you see is fat cells which have shed their contents.

    Weight training helps a bit, but the only real solution for batwings is brachioplasty. I asked my surgeon about this, and it involves scarring from the elbow to the armpit. It's not warranted in my case, so I figured I'd build up my shoulders and biceps to distract everyone from the batwings!
  • I don't know much about this sort of thing, but it looks like you're small enough that even losing another thirty could make a difference.
  • You can also get yourself checked with the doctor in case you feel that you have excess. Until you get Doctor’s appointment I suggest that you try to tone your body, it helps get rid of excess skin.