SBD Chat - Thursday, June 2

  • Cool and cloudy here right now at 53ºF. What a change although I know our "hot" is nothing to you folks south. Yesterday was "warm" around here but we had a huge wind most of the afternoon - maybe an edge of the Massachusetts tornado? - and it really cooled down. It also blew over my iris so I have a lovely purple and white bouquet on the desk this morning.

    Today will involve more Village planting and payroll prep for the Mill. This afternoon I have a nice strong man working for me moving some heavy planters and lifting bags of earth which certainly will help the cause. I think his wife "voluntold" him to help so I'll try to be super grateful.

    On yesterday's thread, Furnace mentioned it was nice to see little "slices" of other peoples lives. She nailed it as that's exactly what the daily is about. Have a slice but no spitting the seeds at each other, OK?
  • Funny Ruth! I wish watermelon was SB approved - there is nothing like it on a really hot day, which we are having. Yesterday I left my air conditioned office and immediately got a headache from the heat/barometric pressure. We had a tornado warning in effect until 8pm but nothing happened. My husband worked late so I caught up on my Real Housewives and Mob Wives.

    Bad news re: my mom. She had decided to go to a rest home for two weeks as she said she wanted a break from my dad. But after one night, she insisted on coming home. I felt so bad for my dad, who had experienced his first stress free night in a long time while she was away. However, he's now made contact with an agency that provides home help so if it took this experience to get them both to that point, it was worth it. It seems to me, from all I am reading, that my mom's Parkinson's is entering a very late stage, but for some (inexplicable) reason they have not been to see her neurologist in months. My husband has told me I need to distance myself and he is right. I may seek out a support group though - I always find group support to be really helpful, especially this site.

    On tap for today - work, exercise at lunch, and after work a bit of food shopping. I have my sitter through the end of the month. Tonight I am going to really take it easy. I had a great night's sleep last night. I do need to go to the library and get a new book out. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Good morning We dodged yesterday's storms but they hit all around us (though nothing like MA). Today is supposed to be sunny and very pleasantly spring-like. It will be a nice change.

    Ruth - So glad you have some help with the heavy stuff

    Mathilda - sorry to hear things are so stressful. I've always found support groups of people in similar situations really helpful too. I hope you find one that's a good fit.

    Today is a calmer day. Just normal daytime visits then home for CSA pick-up at 5. I ordered lots of different greens and can't wait to use them! Tomorrow my weekend starts and I have a very long list for the day I'm off to Boston Saturday afternoon for Sunday morning's AIDS walk so less time than I will need but I'll get started anyway.

    Happy Thursday everyone
  • We were under a tornado watch most of yesterday, too, but nothing happened, thank goodness. It did bring the awful heat and humidity down, though, and it's absolutely delightful out here on the patio this morning.

    Ruth, I love iris and gladiolas, but after several years of struggling with ways to keep them from falling over, I finally gave up and dug them up. It sounds like you have a good day for getting the rest of the village planters finished.

    Matilda, I'm glad your dad is taking steps to have someone come in to help him with your mother. I think a support group would be a huge help to you, too. I hope it all works out.

    I have a rather easy day today, just some light dusting. Most of the messy part of the remodeling is done and it's getting easier to keep the house clean. It will still be another 2 or 3 weeks until it's completed, though.

    Cyndi, answering your questions from yesterday, the girls are going to camp in August, and then going on a family vacation where I have the choice to go with or not, so I decided to just take the two weeks for my own vacation.
  • A beautiful morning here in southern NH. Storms just missed us, we were under the tornado watch too. Todays my day off and I plan on visiting a farmers market, great day for a car ride.

    Matilda, my heart goes out to you. I am going through the same thing with my mom. I've built up a lot of resentment and guilt over the whole thing. Its a fine line in making sure she gets the care she needs (mostly by me) and becoming co-dependent, which I don't want to be. I have to force myself not to ruminate on it or I get mad all over again!

    I've been staying mostly OP and losing slowly but the trips out for ice cream have got to stop )
  • Good Morning

    We took a drive yesterday afternoon to Maroon Bells Wilderness area, which provided my mom great joy. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping her occupied here and think I'm on to something. Kirk and I enjoyed it, too.

    Today is travel day. We will get to the pool for water aerobics but then need to get organized and get going. It's nice this time of year not to have to battle the weather.

    Glad to hear that you all avoided the worst of the weather, so far. I hope those we haven't heard from fared well, too.

    Matilda, sorry to hear that your parent's plans had a turn of events. I'm glad to hear you're taking care of yourself. I made myself a health appointment yesterday and got some flower essences to support myself as I deal with my codependence with my mom. I will take it faithfully.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Good morning! I have to turn on the news and see if I can find out about the MA tornadoes.

    Debbie and Zeff - Very cool that you'll be teaching fitness!

    bkstitch - Love what your son said. Welcome back.

    granchick - Nice to meet you

    Ruth - I love the slices you serve up. So different from my life and so filled with humor.

    Matilda -

    Cyndi - I really should look into doing a CSA this year. I'd love some fresh stuff.

    Linda - I wonder if my son had that tornado watch too when he arrived back in PA yesterday. That would have been ironic coming back from Kansas!

    nanjmc - I didn't know you were from NH. I spent many summers there as a child and went to UNH.

    The younger two of my nephews (almost 5 and almost 7) are up and playing nearby already. The older one is in his own room so may sleep awhile. I expect I will be exhausted today! I'm hoping my mom will take them for a couple of hours so DH and I can work out together. Hard to blare the TV for our cardio with the little guys around.
  • good morning,

    Matilda - sorry for your problems. Hope the new arrangement works.

    So it was very windy here yesterday too. DH an I went out in the morning and staked all my irises, sometimes the extra work is worth it. Getting ready to go to visit a friend this weekend who lives year round in cottage country. We both love to cook and there is lots of temptation all the time. I need willpower dust here. Maybe having a dr. appointment next Friday will give me extra strength.
    Hang in there everyone
    take care
  • Good morning! I'm glad everyone weathered the storms. (we had heavy thunderstorms down here, but they did what they're supposed to do: clear the air. It's 10 degrees cooler and there's no humidity!

    Matilda, I hope the home health care is helpful.

    I'm having eye surgery on Monday (cataracts, one eye at a time, so this is the first of two bouts) and I'll be running errands today and tomorrow since I'll be out of commission at least a bit next week.

    Have a good afternoon/evening!
  • Good morning!

    Seems we're all having lovely Thursday mornings around the continent. I'm glad everyone is safe and sound. I'm becoming pleasantly jealous of everyone's green thumbs. I'm decent when it comes to houseplants but I'm too scared to even trim my rosebush so it's become a front yard monster.

    I'm feeling the "high" of SB diet again - feeling more svelte and in control than I have in a long time. I've hit a good groove in finding delicious, healthy recipes (God bless cauliflower crust pizza - it saved me from DB's pizza hut the other day) and establishing a more intense exercise routine.

    Matilda, I am sending prayers and keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

    Xan, good luck on Monday!
  • Good Morning to ya!
    wow...I wrote this long reply and it went into cyberspace. Oh well...

    Good Morning ladies!!

    Ruth - you are a hoot~~~I love your humor...makes me smile

    Mathilda - keep the faith~~I know it's hard for you but please know it's hard for Mom and Dad too. (((HUGS)))

    Cyndi - The Aids Walk sounds like a wonderful way to help others and get exercise for yourself at the same time. I love to walk but I have a heel spur right now so no can do

    Cottagebythesea - I live in Tennessee and last month we had tornadoes in our community that caused loss of life and devastation. I pay closer attention to tornado watches and warnings like never before~~~enjoy those 2 weeks for your own vacation ...sweet.

    NanJmc - ice cream is one of my that stuff

    Lexxiss - keep taking Mom on those rides and make those memories..

    Waistingtime - So nice to meet you too ~~~ enjoy those nephews..I can remember when mine were that little...

    Sophie - here's your "willpower dust"...did you feel it? Now, you can go and enjoy cooking the SB've done a great job at losing so far so you sure don't want to turn that can do it!!

    Furnace - haven't found the cauliflower crust recipe~~~sounds interesting and will definitely put on my list

    Xan - Good luck on your eye surgery..

    I am starting to add a few things back to my diet to see how it works. First thing I had was a sweet potato. So far, so good. I have problems with my blood glucose levels and the SB way seems to keep them more at an even keel. Diabetes is looming in my near future if I don't get this weight off. So there's no better time than now.

    Ok, so I'm at work and have opted out of attending a retirement party for a fellow employee. Most of the office went but I don't know him and decided that I didn't need to be tempted by the huge cake, sweet and other goodies. That is my "non-scale" victory for the day. I hope all of you have one too.

    Have a "blessed day" everyone (((HUGS)))
  • Another quick flyby for me- have so much to do at work before leaving.

    DH is already making plans for what he wants to do and he wants me to go with them at night and I am like ummmm no I have to study don't have time to play the tourist except for on Sunday.

    DD2 is loving swim team so I am happy for her...

    Sorry to hear about all the issues some are having.... to you.