*party weight*

  • Ugh! -
    So I've been doing really well the past couple weeks.... broke out of the 170's & weighed in at 168 on Sunday.

    So Monday, with all it's Memorial Day glory, we had a small gathering of friends for a fun day of pool'n and grill'n.

    yeah, I said it! "GRILL'N" On special occasions, I stick to my diet as much as possible, but allow for goodies and I don't beat myself up over it or worry about it. But oh my stars! We had cheeseburgers made with lean ground beef and we used Nature's Own Multi Grain Sandwich Rounds instead of regular burger buns... they were YUMMY and fit in nicely with the caloric values!!! I consumed three Corona Light beers (with lime! no scurvy here!!!! LOL) and that was pretty much planned. We also had some chips & dip for guests - I "dipped" into the BBQ Fritos twice (not bad!!) and also had some spinach dip with regular dipping chips ... and yeah, ok, I had TWO and A HALF brownies with walnuts! So all in all, I really did pretty good and was happy with my intake of foodage.

    HOWEVER!! I decided to weigh myself after the party was over. It was about 11:00 last night... and I weighed in a 173!!! FIVE POUNDS! after one day of partying... just... wow.

    Of course I realize that with the beer and those chips, etc. it was a LOT of sodium to have in such a short period of time. I know that's all water weight, after all, there is NO WAY I ate 17,500 calories yesterday. And this morning, I was back down to 170, so there's 3 pounds of water weight gone right there.

    But I find it interesting and amazing (and yeah, a little off-putting!!) that the body can make such quick changes like it does. And I'm sure that by tomorrow or Thursday, I'll be back at my happy 168 and steadily dropping weight. (We have vacation day today & are grilling again with our favorite freighbors! Today is HOT DOG day! Ohmygooooddddnesssssss....)

    I just thought it might help some people to read this, so they can know how their body is also "quick to change" when you eat off-plan, and quick to "bounce-back" when you get back on-plan.

    I hope everyone had a happy Memorial Day weekend!!
  • It is amazing how quickly the body can change within a day (or even 12 hours)! It's important for people to know not to panic if we see a gain on the scale at the end of the day or even the next day...most of the time it is just water weight.

    Oh, and I am very impressed with your emoticons!
  • ^^^^^

    Yeah, Beach Patrol, you are like a playwright-director -- the emoticons are all the actors performing in your post.

    I must say, you have a more detached, objective & scientific curiosity regarding the immediate effects of intake on your body than I do.

    Personally, I never get on the scale at such times, or I'd be a repentant, weepy, self-hating wreck for 24 hours afterward, or until such time as the numbers changed on the scale again.

    What I know to be true -- that is, my understanding of the body's resilience & adaptability -- sometimes gets forgotten in the immediate rush of emotion.
  • People always blame the extra pounds on water. Poor water, it gets such a bad rap sometimes. Food has weight. a cheeseburger with a bun can weight 1/2 pound if you put lots of onion and tomato on it. Brownies weigh several ounces each. It's not always water weight that causes the scale to go UP. The extra food in your body is heavy....and it's REAL weight until your body decides what to do with it. Burn, store or eliminate....weight is weight and it won't leave if everyday is a picnic.
  • I would say that if you weighed yourself that soon after the party, the 5 pounds isn't so much "water weight" due to sodium as it is the sheer bulk of the stuff you ate!

    At any rate yeah it's certainly nothing to worry about - if some of it lingers for a few days that's probably the sodium but so what? It's not a race, you don't have a boxing match coming up with a weight limit, you're in it for the long haul, so short term weight changes aren't that important.

    What matters is that you went in to a tempting food event with a game plan, stuck to it reasonably well, and were happy with how you did - you did not lose control in the face of tempting goodies. That is a much more crucial accomplishment than a short-term pound here or there.
  • Yeah, I never weight myself at night, it's just not accurate. You can easily fluctuate 5 lbs from morning to evening. But then again, you're counting all the food, water, urine & stools your body is currently carrying also. I'd rather weigh in the morning when all that has moved along. =D
  • Quote: People always blame the extra pounds on water. Poor water, it gets such a bad rap sometimes. Food has weight. a cheeseburger with a bun can weight 1/2 pound if you put lots of onion and tomato on it. Brownies weigh several ounces each. It's not always water weight that causes the scale to go UP. The extra food in your body is heavy....and it's REAL weight until your body decides what to do with it. Burn, store or eliminate....weight is weight and it won't leave if everyday is a picnic.

  • Quote: ^^^^^

    Yeah, Beach Patrol, you are like a playwright-director -- the emoticons are all the actors performing in your post.
    HeeHee!~ I love me some emoticons!!