South Beach Weekend Chat-May 14 & 15

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  • Good Morning

    Pull up a chair, grab a morning beverage and say hi! You'll have to watch me yard sale starts today.

    I have almost everything here but nothing is put out or priced. I plan on drinking large quantities of coffee this morning and trying not to get emotionally involved with all this stuff. It has been my dream since adulthood to be able to do this. I think there's lots of stuff left but this is a start.

    Food is OP. I'm very happy about that.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Have a great time at your yardsale, Debbie! Think of all the fun you can have with the proceeds. It is always so interesting to see what people will buy. AND, it feels so good to get rid of things.

    This morning we leave for Texas - our car service is coming at 8:30. I have a bunch of stuff to do but otherwise am pretty well situated. I doubt I'll have time to post while we are away, so don't miss me too much! I hope everyone has a great week. Love -Matilda
  • Matilda, have a great trip! See you when you get back!
  • Debbie ~ Our community is holding it's bi-annual yardsale today, but I'm not setting up for it. I do enjoy walking around and seeing what everyone's selling, though. I hope your's is a big success and you get rid of a lot of your stuff!

    Matilda ~ Have a safe and fun vacation!

    I don't have any set plans for the day, and I'm too broke to go anywhere. My simple little oil change yesterday turned into a major expense since I needed to have my timing belt changed, and while they had the car, I had the inspection done, too. But at least it's all done and I have peace of mind knowing my car's in good working order.
  • Good morning Last day of vacation prep and house clean-up around here. Yesterday was a busy day of catching up with friends, mowing the last swampy bit of the lawn and cleaning. The 10 day forecast is not too promising so I'm focusing on a peaceful few days sitting on the porch watching birds and actually having time for recreational reading. A rainy vacation is still better than a sunny work day!

    Debbie - Good luck with the yard sale! I wish I knew someone around here who was having one. I have all kinds of stuff I want to get rid of but can't bring myself to throw out.

    Matilda - Have a wonderful time in Texas!

    Okay, time to make my list for the day

    ETA - Good morning Cottage! Hey, I know where you can get away for a couple of days for the cost of gas. Wish you could join us
  • Morning, Cyndi! You are so right, that a rainy vacation is better than a sunny work day. When are you leaving?
  • We are out of here tomorrow morning and in Maine until Friday afternoon. Check out isn't until 5 pm Friday and we plan to stay until then.
  • ** Sigh ** Rain and it's planning to stay around for a while. Our Church yard/Bake/Plant sale is a week from today so I hope it gets it out of its system by then.

    Excitement is on the agenda today. I am getting a new rescue dog. Domino is a 7 year old black and white Springer who has some allergy problems. Her owner is in the early stages of dementia and is not caring for her properly so the family and vet are re-homing her. She comes after lunch and I am hoping she fits in well with my two. Jazz just loves everybody but Disney is the dominant one and may not like another female. All her dog friends are male! I am convincing myself that three dogs is not much more work than two!

    Book Club was great fun last night. We did discuss the book but mainly sipped wine and talked and laughed a lot. What a great group! Heather served an incredible warm dip - garlic, artichoke and ? She has promised to share the recipe. I'm hoping it's "Beach-able".

    The rain and a new dog will keep me close to home this weekend so I am hoping to clear a lot of "niggles". Time to make a list.

    I hope your weekend is productive and has patches of fun as well as sun.
  • Wow you early birds!

    Debbie - Yes, I've thought the same with you being in CO - someday, you and me. Hope the yard sale goes well.

    Matilda - Have a fabulous vacation!!

    Linda - I hate spending money on cars but is is a necessary evil. Mine are now 11 and 10 years old and I worry about major things starting to happen.

    Cyndi - Hope you have a great vacation, whatever the weather.

    Ruth - Exciting for you! My niece, who is visiting for the grad party in two weeks, just sent me the name of a book to read so we can discuss. What a novel idea for me (no pun intended) - to actually talk about a book I read instead of just eating and socializing

    I had a great time meeting my blog friend yesterday. I knew we'd get along and we did. Talked for hours. Just goes to show that internet friends CAN be real friends!!!

    Today starts the rounds of graduation parties. My plan is to not wander near the food at all. I do so much better eating nothing than trying to eat with moderation and I've been cruising along OP and don't want to derail myself. I've been invited to 4 this weekend but will probably only go to 2 of those.

    It is quite unseasonably cold here. What happened to spring this year?
  • good morning friends!

    Graduation is behind us now and I'm taking my mom home today. Life will get (mostly) back to normal tomorrow. It's sure been a nice week though.

    Debbie, good luck with the yard sale. I hate them but end up organizing them for fundraisers. We've got one coming up on June 11th for the teens summer mission trip. The junk -er, I mean merchandise - is already starting to pile up in our garage and extra bedroom.

    Ruth, how exciting about the new pup! She's a lucky dog to end up at your house. Hopefully she'll greet Disney with the proper respect and submissiveness and the 3 will get along well.

    Matilda - have a great time! My daughter lives in Texas and I'm a bit envious of you.

    Linda, I'm glad you're car is running well now, but sorry about your unplanned expense. Enjoy your weekend at home!

    Cyndi, it's crazy I know but I'm feeling guilty about the lousy Maine weather - what a week for a vacation. But, I'm sure you'll find plenty to do despite the rain, and rainy days are great for relaxing with a good book.... I know you'll be busy but if you can squeeze it in I'd really like to meet you and Julie. I'll PM you.

    I had a great time meeting my blog friend yesterday. I knew we'd get along and we did. Talked for hours. Just goes to show that internet friends CAN be real friends!!!
    Amen to that! I'm so glad you had a great visit Karen.
    My 3fc friend cathydoe and her husband are coming to visit in 2 weeks. I flew to Iowa to visit them last summer. Some think we're crazy, but we hit it off so well and have so much in common, she's truly one of my closest friends and getting together only once a year is kind of a hardship! LOL

    OK, my mom is ready for breakfast I think. Enjoy your Saturday!
  • ** SOB ** No Domino this weekend. There is going to be a long road ahead to get the woman to give her up.
  • Morning Hope there is a bit of coffee left.

    Debbie, hope your yard sale fullfills your dream and it's all gone by this evening.

    Matilda, I'm sure you're gone by now but just want to wish you a "great vacation".

    Linda, every time I take my car in for an oil change, they always find something wrong but thank goodness I still have my DH who usually just makes the correction himself or decides that I don't really need whatever it is.

    Ruth, how exciting getting Domino today. Sure hope she is a good fit because I know she will have a wonderful home with you and your two pups. Oops, just read that you aren't getting her today after all. It must be so very hard on her owner trying to re-home her.

    Karen, I'm with you........I do better no eating at all in those situations than trying to eat just a little. Hope you make it through fairly clean.

    As for me, not too much on the agenda today. I plan to work on the newly donated books, sorting them, listing appropriate ones on Amazon, filing them, etc. It's an ongoing job our youngest GS has another baseball game so we will be going to that and it is cold and windy so will try and dress appropriately.
  • It has been raining hard all night and the yard is now a lake. I'm just as glad not to have an extra dog today, especially one with big furry feet!

    Not much on the agenda except Church although I have lots of niggle leftovers from yesterday. Since we are going to be in this rain for the rest of the week , I plan to make a couple of batches of soup for the stash. I love soup for lunch when it's cold and wet! I'm thinking broccoli and a sort of Italian wedding soup with quinoa instead of orzo and ground chicken instead of beef.

    What are you doing for yourself today?
  • Yeah, yeah. Rain here today and for the next week, too. I'm just trying to think about how much the garden will appreciate it.

    Ruth, you have me thinking about Italian Wedding Soup. That would really hit the spot for lunches for the week. I make mine with no-chicken chicken broth and tofu. The quinoa would make a great substitute for the orzo, although I do have whole wheat orzo in the pantry. But I may sub Swiss chard for the escarole since I have a bounty of it in the garden.

    What am I doing for myself today? Well, staying OP, for one. A trip to Trader Joe's for some goodies will help fullfill that. Other than that, I have laundry and trying to decide what to make for Sunday dinner.
  • Good morning, Chicks

    I've been up for hours again so think I may exercise early today then run some errands. This afternoon I have an electrician come, yes, on a Sunday. Turns out our current stove is directly wired in and we need an outlet installed before the new one arrives tomorrow! So I'll have no working oven for probably two days; I just cooked a spaghetti squash for later.

    I may hit another graduation party today depending how that appointment goes. I went to one of the two I was invited to yesterday and knew no other guests there; it was pretty uncomfortable. Today's will probably be the same.

    My eating is still on track. I hope I didn't just jinx myself!

    Enjoy your day everyone.