Hi, I'm new and just saying hello.....

  • Hi everyone! I've just registered and want to say hello. I'm going to need a bit help here, girls - and boys, too, if there are many of you out there! I can't go to a slimming class, I live in the sticks and I've got ms so although I can drive, I can't get around much without any help. And I'm not taking anyone with me to see how much I weigh!! But that's a problem in itself, 'cos I weigh more than my scales will. Any ideas about getting round that? Hope to hear from you soon.
  • Hi nelliedean!!
    Welcome aboard and very pleased to meet you. Why not use a tapemeasure/piece of string to start with if the scales aren't registering yet, you can rest assured the string will soon show a loss, mark it each week and watch the cms disappear week by week. You could colour code them and use various lengths of string for bust waist hips thighs ,knees arms etc. Just a suggestion , It is worth a try and doesn't cost much.
    Have you got a digital camera/or ordinary one for that matter, take pics now and then again in a months time. then when you start weighing in you can take a pic every stone/half stone. I did this last year and it has been good to look back and see the difference. Still got a long way to go but might just crack it in 2003 if I stick at it.
    Hope to speak to you soon, bye for now TQ
  • Well,TQ, you sound like you've been there and done that -so I'll take your advice and given it a try. I've just seen your 'before' weight and you're doing great, aren't you? I'm jealous!!
  • Hi Welcome to 3FC. TQ's advice about the string and pics is a good one and even I follow it as well as weighing. And when I have a bad time with my diet and am all forgiving it up it's the lovely people on here that keep me going.
  • Practice doesn't seem to make perfect though nelliedean, been doing it all my blooming life or so it seems. Never mind I am doing it for keeps last time ever, this time it is staying off!!
    This is a great place to come for help though, lovely bunch of ladies who are always there to help. I joined this time last year and am so glad i signed in and said hello.
  • Hello nelliedean, I am Chris, hope to see you posting all over and joining in with our statements of joy and sometimes woe in this great community.