come join if you are starting/starting over in may!

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  • hi everyone! i need a pick me up because since my birthday on may 1 and TOM and then mother's day, ive been slacking. i'm also retaining water from starting to work out again. i noticed a lot of people are starting/starting over right now and figured i'd make a thread where we can all band together.

    so answer these questions
    when are you starting: may 9
    what is your goal weight 119
    what is your diet plan: weight watchers online
    what is your exercise: ripped in 30 by jm

    i'm trying to motivate myself so that a) i won't gain more weight and b) i will be in the best shape i can be come beach season.. that gives me a couple months to get in shape and feel good about myself again. i think its hard because sometimes i feel okay with myself and lose my motvation and then i eat too much and feel really bad about myself. I am trying to have the mentality that i am okay (aka, having self confidence), but i want to make myself even hotter, sexier, and more attractive!
  • This is me! I'm starting over. I've been off track for awhile, though...since February! There was a sickness in my immediate family and I completely lost focus on my weight loss goals. I really want to lose 20 lbs by the end of the summer. Ideally I'd like to lose more than that, but I'm giving myself a bit of wiggle room since I know I have a tendency to go off track every now and then lol.

    when are you starting: May 9th
    what is your goal weight: 180 by August; 135-140 is my ultimate goal.
    what is your diet plan: Calorie restriction (1200-1400 calories per day)
    what is your exercise: BL, JM, and WATP
  • I totally understand exactly how you feel. I'm going through the eating too much and feeling bad thing right now. I was doing so well. So I'm in!

    when are you starting: may 9
    what is your goal weight 220
    what is your diet plan: calorie counting
    what is your exercise: P90x with some TurboFire and yoga sprinkled in
  • Ugh I need to get in gear. I've been hovering around the same weight for months. So I've decided I'm doing this before I start law school in the fall.

    when are you starting: may 10
    what is your goal weight: 165 by September/ 150 final
    what is your diet plan: calorie counting
    what is your exercise: cardio 5 days strength training 4 days
  • Hi all! I hope I can join in on this thread. I feel like I am starting over again. It's been such a struggle to make real commitments to myself to make serious changes.

    when are you starting: may 9
    what is your goal weight 135
    what is your diet plan: 17 day diet
    what is your exercise: cardio and strength training

    I want to feel good about my body and have more confidence.
  • Starting over
    I got frustrated, took a cheat weekend and am now ready to rededicate. It's nice to have some people to start out with. We can do this, TOGETHER!

    when are you starting: may 9
    what is your goal weight 125
    what is your diet plan: Calorie counting/slim fast
    what is your exercise: Treadmill/elliptical/swimming when it's warmer.
  • Ah, just the thread I need right now. When I started my weight loss journey, I sort of "hunkered down", stayed in, and lost weight. Now that it is warmer, I am feeling more social and going out a bunch more. It's leading to lots of extra calories and a loss of focus.

    when are you starting: May 9
    what is your goal weight 136
    what is your diet plan: Weight Watchers
    what is your exercise: Zumba, yoga, personal trainer
  • Riiightt here. I was down to 169 last month but I was off track for a month and now I'm 174 again. I seriously cant remember the last time I exercised !! But now I have more of a steady job (8-4) so Im hoping more structure in my life = easier weight loss.

    when are you starting: may 9
    what is your goal weight 155
    what is your diet plan: low cal + exercise.
    what is your exercise: long walks & gym trips (hopefully)
  • I just started a new program, so I guess that puts me in the starting over category. I'd officially re-started May 2nd, but hadn't met with the nutritionist yet, so I'm going to count it from when I began this particular program.

    when are you starting: May 7th, 2011
    what is your goal weight: long term 130-140; short term I just want to look good for my wedding!
    what is your diet plan: low calorie (~950/day), high protein (>60g/day), 6 mini-meals a day, every 2 to 3 hours
    what is your exercise: trying out a bunch of gym classes (I've so far done step, zumba, and kick-boxing), elliptical/exercise bike and free weights at home, starting c25k when I get back from my conference next week
  • So happy to find some other people starting over at the same time as me! Trying to buckle down and lose the last 20-25 pounds.

    when are you starting: May 9th
    what is your goal weight: 135-140ish
    what is your diet plan: Calorie counting (~1500/day)
    what is your exercise: New Rules of Lifting for Women, HIIT and running
  • Another starting in May

    when are you starting: May 9th
    what is your goal weight: 151 by November 1st- short term goal 173
    what is your diet plan: Calorie counting/ generally healthy eating
    what is your exercise: cardio/strength training/ outdoor activities
  • Off to do some beginner yoga. I'm starting to like it. I'm finding that yoga makes me wanna stay active. Maybe because I'm slightly more flexible are moving around easier.
  • I've just begun my weight loss journey, for the first time ever I am seriously buckling down for this. I have started a journal for it, I am weighing in weekly, I am measuring and eating smaller portion sizes... I will be healthier, regardless of what weight I actually ever get to.

    My Answers:
    when are you starting: May 9
    what is your goal weight: 72 kilos (approximately just under 160 lbs) My current goal is to lose around 25 kilos (55 lbs) by 2/1/2012
    what is your diet plan: Portion control, exercize, less time 'just sitting around'.
    what is your exercise: Currently the treadmill in my living room infront of my television (where I watch good movies, motivational shows, and educational television). I am also on the hunt for a hula hoop, which is almost impossible here. Once I get the down stairs television hooked up I will begin on my Yoga again.
  • when are you starting: May 1st
    what is your goal weight: short term - 195, long term - 160
    what is your diet plan: eat healthier and exercise more, continue breastfeeding
    what is your exercise: Pilates, Wii Fit, basic aerobics
  • I'm not really restarting right now - I've been doing this since mid-February, but I'm a long time lurker and haven't posted until today! 3FC has really helped me with my goals thus far, and I'm hoping to get even more help if I start posting!

    When are you starting: Today!
    What is your goal weight: 140
    What is your diet plan: Nothing official - watching portions, minimizing snacks, just making good and smart choices.
    What is your exercise: Just graduated C25K, and going to sign up for a half-marathon in October.

    Good luck to all of you as well!