Lap Band Newbie

  • Hey Everyone,

    I am new to this site and from what I have been reading, everyone seems really supportive. I'll begin by telling you guys a little about myself. I am 28yrs old and I have been overweight since I was about 12. I never thought I would ever be thinking about having surgery to lose weight but after careful consideration and very supportive friends and family, here I am.

    I am scheduled to have LB surgery on May 13th (which also happens to be Friday the 13th ) Right now I am on day 5 of the 2 week liquid diet before I go in for surgery and all I can say is thank heavens I found a shake that I can tolerate (even though I am a bit gassy ). Its been just 5 shakes a day, 2 cups of veggies and low sodium broth for the last 5 days and I can't believe I made it this far!!! I haven't lost so much yet (only 2 pounds) so I am hoping by next week I will be a little more far along on my weight loss journey.

    Only 8 more days til surgery and I have to say I am very nervous!! I have full confidence in my doctor and I know everything will be alright but I can't help but be scared that I will never enjoy my favorite foods again....for example: pasta, BBQ, bagels, big salads etc......

    For the people who have had the lap band surgery, are you still able to go for lunch with your friends and enjoy eating the things you love?? (in moderation of course)

    Thanks for the support and I wish you all the best of luck!!!
  • I had RNY not Lapband-but since it's just a restrictive procedure-once the band has been adjusted appropriately (after healing from the surgery)-I don't think there's too many restrictions on types of food. Of course, to be successful you'll want to follow your surgeon's post-surgery diet. There's no reason you can't enjoy a meal out with friends with ANY of the weight loss surgeries. But you will have to permanently change the way you eat if you want to be successful long-term. Obviously, going back and eating the way we used to is not really an option.

    Good luck!
  • I've been reading The World According To Eggface blog to gather ideas. You might want to check it out too! It gives creative WLS friendly ways to enjoy food, even ice cream and her cake. I'll be having bypass so I have been collecting recipies.
    Livestrong also has some great recipies and switches. Fat free cupcakes made out of beans (tastes normal, I swear!!! LOL!) even.
  • hi girls!!!! retro - your post got me thinking - after surgery, we can eat very little, so we have to be VERY careful that every mouthful packs a big nutritional punch. does the ice cream do that? and then, of course, there's the Q about using the surgery as a tool to change our habits. don't get me wrong - i love treats. but going into the surgery trying to figure out how to 'eat around' it instead of focusing on making the most of it just doesn't feel right to me
  • Quote: hi girls!!!! retro - your post got me thinking - after surgery, we can eat very little, so we have to be VERY careful that every mouthful packs a big nutritional punch. does the ice cream do that? and then, of course, there's the Q about using the surgery as a tool to change our habits. don't get me wrong - i love treats. but going into the surgery trying to figure out how to 'eat around' it instead of focusing on making the most of it just doesn't feel right to me
    Oh yeah too good to be true right?! But it's sugar free protien ice cream