I'm going to stop being a coward and start dieting! ... as of Monday.

  • Hey guys! I'm new and I just wanted to say hi!

    I was made to be petite - I'm only 5 foot and have a small frame to match - so the 14 pounds that I've gained through eating bad food and drinking lots of vodka-orange's has not really been pleasently welcomed.

    I've gone up a few clothes and bra sizes and regretably bust a pair of jeans in my denial of my increasing weight. I've learnt my lesson now though and I want to do something about it. So please, will you help me? I never stick to these things, probably because I never see results as quickly as I'd like, so I'm hoping as of Monday (I go back to uni...far away from my Mum feeding me all these treats!) I'm going to start my LAST EVER diet.

    I wasn't happy with my weight before I got to uni, at 119lbs, so I'm hoping that if I can get to 115lbs I'll know where to go from there! Is anyone else starting, or anyone else interested in being my shoulder to cry on when the chocolate cravings kick in?
  • Hey i'm in! Hoping to start properly Monday too let's do this together!
  • It's on! Do you have a date where you'd like to be finished by, or are you just prepared to stick at it until it's over? :P I have a family event in about 6 weeks time, so I'd like to have lost a big chunk of weight by then!
  • Hey guys have you seen the biggest loser UK challenge on the forum...maybe an idea if you want more people to chat to about it xxxxxx
  • GOOO LUCK on your journey hope you are successful and were all here good times and bad
  • Hey i'm over in the biggest loser uk thread!
  • 14lbs - is that all? Huh. Sorry, I know everyone feels the same whether it is lbs or stones. I have at least 5 stone to lose!!!! As of Monday I too am doing something about it. I am rejoining SW. I have already started cutting down this week (that was, until I saw a loaf of Warburtons Hot cross bun bread!).
  • I know what you're saying, I was reluctant to post on here just because I know so many people are setting out to lose loads which makes mine look like no big deal. (Same reason why I won't be taking part in that Biggest Loser UK challenge - sorry guys.) But then I thought - why not? I think my skinny mates are fed up of me moaning about it. I'm fed up of talking about it to them. I thought if I came on here, where people came to talk about it, I'd feel less moany and with everyones stories, a lot more motivated! :P

    I just think of it as your last 18lbs towards your goal. It's gonna be harder to shift than your first 18lbs. And that's what stage I'm at. It will be tough for me. And I'll need a place to moan. And, if I continue to put on my weight, I'm well on my way to a breast reduction, so I need to do something about it before the NHS has to (or my back breaks in half. :P).

    Oh, keep up the good work! You're bound to have trip ups to begin with - I had a KFC on Monday. And I had 6 biscuits on Tuesday. But yesterday was really good, and because of that I'm more motivated to do well today! You're only human, and you'll get into a good eating habit soon enough. I can't wait until not snacking doesn't kill me! :P
  • I have a similar ammount to lose as you, although I'm sorta half way through. I found most people don't care how much you need to lose, they're really supportive. And at any rate, it's worked to motivate me, because I see people and think 'if they can lose 100 ibs then I sure as **** can lose a less than half of that.'

    Good luck.