Opinions on Meals please!!

  • Hi all!

    So I am back to calorie counting and eating healthy. I just started yesterday but I still feel pretty bloated. I wanted to get ya'lls opinions on what I am eating. I want to know if its a good meal plan for losing weight. I am also running 2.5 miles a day (4-5 times a week)..


    2 egg whites
    1 whole egg
    Ezekial whole grain toast
    1 wedge of Laughing cow cheese
    .5 ounces of whole almonds
    1 medium bananna


    Ham and Cheese sandwhich (2 slices of ezekial toast, 2 LC wedges, and 2 slices of publix smoked ham)
    2 cups of watermelon

    Snack: 100 calorie popcorn, 1 cup of broccoli, 1 low fat cheese stick

    Dinner: 5oz of grilled chicken, ezekial toast with lc wedge, .5 ounces of whole almonds

    Calories: 1378 (I always round up when tracking so 1400)
    Fat: 43
    Carbs: 157
    Protein: 100

    What do you all think!?
  • I'd say a little less bread and more vegies and fruit.
  • I was wondering about the sodium in the LC cheese??? That maybe with the popcorn, bread, and ham??

    Also are you getting enough water? Just a thought...
  • Bargoo I forgot the veggies at dinner that I have. So thats veggies with the snack and dinner and I have watermelon at Breakfast and lunch. Isnt that enough?

    Ready4skinny My sodium for the day is about 2200 and I drink lots of water. probably about 80 ounces a day!
  • The sodium seems kind of high....but each person is different. The American Heart asso. recommends about 1,500 a day. Livestrong.com the same. The higher sodium may be contributing the the bloated feeling....
  • Ok thanks. Do you think aside from the sodium, that diet plan is good for losing weight!? Do the cals seem too high?
  • It's really hard to ascertain what another person's calorie intake should be; there are just so many variables that there's a wide range. Even whether you're fidgety or not affects your calorie burn, so there's a lot of leeway there!

    With that said, it sounds like what you're doing--assuming you're adding vegetables that you haven't listed there, which you could definitely stand to do--looks good. I see a lot of protein, reasonably healthy carbs, and not a lot of pre-fab food.

    The only change I'd make is adding more variety if you don't already; I find it really helps to stay on track to keep myself from being bored. Swap out the watermelon for cantaloupe or berries occasionally. Try smoked turkey instead of ham some days. Prepare your egg/egg whites as an omelet and vary the fillings (spinach and feta, ham and cheddar, peppers and onions--lots of possibilities there).

    Overall, given your activity level and height, I doubt the calorie level is too high.
  • Awesome!! Thank you. I agree with everything you said. Great advice. I wish fruit wasn't so expensive I could live off that stuff!!
  • Quote: It's really hard to ascertain what another person's calorie intake should be; there are just so many variables that there's a wide range. Even whether you're fidgety or not affects your calorie burn, so there's a lot of leeway there!

    With that said, it sounds like what you're doing--assuming you're adding vegetables that you haven't listed there, which you could definitely stand to do--looks good. I see a lot of protein, reasonably healthy carbs, and not a lot of pre-fab food.

    The only change I'd make is adding more variety if you don't already; I find it really helps to stay on track to keep myself from being bored. Swap out the watermelon for cantaloupe or berries occasionally. Try smoked turkey instead of ham some days. Prepare your egg/egg whites as an omelet and vary the fillings (spinach and feta, ham and cheddar, peppers and onions--lots of possibilities there).

    Overall, given your activity level and height, I doubt the calorie level is too high.

    i totally agree. i think variety is key so that you can get all types of nutrients, and not just focusing on calories. good luck!