Hello.. Im new

  • Hi everyone...
    Ive just joined tonight and it would be really nice to meet some new friends on here for support and stuff.... Ive been on weight watchers for 3 weks and ive only lost 2lbs so far, ha,ha!! Not doing very well i know why i eat when im bored, simple as that... and its not fruit, crisps and chocolate...
    Do any of you have any good tips or advice please
    (still trying to put a pic up, it wont let me at the mo)

    Suppose i have 2 eat much more of these ha,ha!! x
  • Hey ChunkyLaw, I'm also on weight watchers at start I was losing weekly now I'm losing 1lb every 2 weeks (need to increase my exercise). I use to comfort eat or snack a lot when I got bored but now instead of snacking I drink more water or exercise, seems to be working for me so far.

    A 2lb loss is still better than not losing anything