58 days - Birthday Challenge

  • For anyone that follows the daily weigh thread you've read my ridiculous drama - that has actually brought me to a point I never thought it would.
    I have spent YEARS, literally, doing what I can to make sure someone else was healthy, well fed, well rested, well looked after to the sacrifice of myself.
    Now, granted, I have done a lot of improoving on myself in the last 18ish months, but I'm still not done.

    There are 58 days until my birthday.
    I don't expect to loose the last 20 lbs in 58 days - but I'm going to darn well get as close as I possibly can.

    That is my challenge, how far can I push myself to give ME the best ME I can be for my birthday. Weight training will be a BIG part of that, I have been slack, not going to lie, but I've brought some free weights to work and have them at my desk for those down time moments.

    That's it, my challenge, I'm putting it out there, for the whole board to see.
    I deserve this, I can do this, and I will do this, so pfffffft to any nay-sayers!!

    58 - 165.0
    57 - 164.6
  • You can do it!! Happy early birthday and good luck with the 20!
  • You can do it! That's an awsome gift to give yourself!
  • I think it is an awesome challenge and a wonderful gift to yourself.
  • hey coondocks. I want to do this with you . What day will that fall on ?
  • Is it June 18th?
  • Quote: Is it June 18th?
    Sweet i counted right!! It is June 18th . . . Jump on board with my Dumplin, more the merrier!!