Lower Calorie Easter Candy

  • WalMart has these 1 oz (doesn't sound like a lot, but it is!) containers of Cotton Candy that are 110 calories for the whole container. What else is reasonable as far as Easter candy goes?
  • I frequently eat Werthers originals, I think 3 are 27 calories, and Tootsie pops. 1 is 60 calories, that might be high to everyone else, but for me it's perfect. Sixlets are 30 calories for 1 sleeve.
  • Marshmallow peeps have, for 5 peeps, 160 calories, 0 fat. Much better than the mini Reese's cups I just had to buy and put out in a bowl for the family.
  • Jelly beans usually aren't too, too bad, especially the mini gourmet style like Jelly Belly or similar. You can have 25 Jelly Bellies for about 100 cals, and I find they're well suited to savouring slowly rather than shovelling in because each flavour is so different that you can kind of just eat one at a time slowly and taste that individual flavour.