First 5K

  • Ran my first 5K this past weekend. I ran it in 31:26! Will run the second one in three weeks.
  • Wow! I signed up for my first ever 5K through weight watchers. It's 5/21/11... I am planning on walking/jogging it, since it's only been 2 months since my surgery. I'm totally stoked, though....
    Did you follow a certain plan/program to get yourself ready? I have great admiration for anyone who can run, who can count themselves among those call themselves 'runners'
  • Wow, that's a great time for your first!! Congratulations!!
  • I have been followig the C25K app that you can get for your iPhone/iPod. I competed 5 weeks out of 9 before I ran the 5K this past Saturday. Gonna start week 6 today. When I started I could barely run one minute without thinking I was going to die, but the program eases into you running longer and longer. I ran a few times on the treadmill, but decided I would run all of it outside. I did not want to run on the treadmill and get outside and it be alot harder. So 5 weeks in, one 5K down, two more planned in the next 4 weeks.
  • Optical Goddess..congrats on your weight loss. I hope to hit the 60 pounds lost mark this week.
  • Here is a pic that my running partner (cousin) and I took after completing the race