NSV - Forever 21

  • So I've lost enough weight now that I really, really need some new clothes. I've been picking stuff up here and there on sale because I refuse to spend a lot of money on my transition wardrobe, but I think I tapped out the sales at Macy's, LB (seriously, even their sale stuff is ridiculously priced these days), and all my other go-to stores.

    A friend mentioned that Forever 21 has a plus size line (mostly they sell online, but a few stores carry larger sizes onsite -- Old Navy should follow their example), so I found a local store and ran over there today.

    I was skeptical, because I heard that their plus size line isn't really plus size...it just sort of continues where the regular line leaves off at a size 12 or whatever so I wasn't expecting much.

    But wow. I took home a huge haul from that store today, super adorable and super cheap. I was fully prepared to be bulging out of even their largest size based on the above feedback, but absolutely everything fit. Not all of it necessarily looked great, but it fit just fine. I walked out with tons of stuff that feels good, is flattering, looks cute, and finally FINALLY shows off the fact that I'm 50 lbs. down. I fear I'm starting to love shopping again.

  • That's awesome to hear! Congratulations!

    I've been wanting to order some stuff online (no stores carry it here), but was nervous about the sizing, too.
  • SO awesome...I've heard from multiple friends that their "plus size" is just regular size with a different name so if you can fit into those, I don't think you're plus-size anymore...WTG!!!
  • Thanks! (And oh, there's nothing about me that's not plus size ) Casey, if it gives you any kind of benchmark I'm at about a 20/22 now, and everything I bought was either a 2x or 3x. Pants I bought are a 22.
  • Nice work! I am looking forward to the day where I can once again fit into cute clothes.
  • that's awesome...I recently had to purchase some new jeans...I purchased them from American Eagle and Gap, usually for American Eagle i would have to purchase their jeans from their website b/c they didn't carry size 18 jeans in their stores...now I can go IN the store and get a size 14 and it felt absolutely amazing, so i definitely can understand your excitement!
  • WoW! CONGRATS! I am glad to find this out because I was afraid to even try anything from that store. They do have cute, cheap stuff though so I may have to check it out.