Looong time gone.. But I'm back.

  • I haven't been here in probably 5 years?? Alot has happened in that time. Hurt my back pretty bad a few times, had surgery, ttc w/ iui but failed, also GAINED a mess of weight in the process of all of that.

    I am probably at the lowest mentally and physically (but highest weight) in my entire life. I've done the sit on my butt and blame everyone, everything and every situation that I've been through in the last 5 years for the way I look and how much I weigh. I know 90% of all of this is my fault and noone elses. So I need to fix it, and I can't do it alone.

    I can't do WW again, I can't afford it. But I have an amazing recumbant bike and old treadmill that I can use here at home, when my back allows. Money is tight so I have to eat cheap foods that sometimes aren't the healthliest; but I need to some how make this work.

    Breads, diet soda, fast food and sweets are my weeknesses. I've been doing 'okay' on the sweets part; but struggle when I get really bored. Since I'm off work again due to my back, is all the time. Thank goodness i got back to work tuesday plus it's getting nice out so I can get out and moving and not sitting here drinking an 24 pk of diet caffine free soda a day!

    Any recommendations for groups would be great. I'm going to update my tracker and profile here in a few minutes.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Hi Tina,

    Just wanted to say welcome! I hope the forum will help you make some positive changes! I can't recommend any groups, because I am just back here after a year off myself! In fact, I had to google around a bit to even remember the name of this forum. Here's to both of us getting back into the swing of things!
  • Goodluck as well then!
  • I'm sure there's a weight watchers forum here also. You might want to try it there because that's totally free Good luck!!
  • Quote: I'm sure there's a weight watchers forum here also. You might want to try it there because that's totally free Good luck!!
    Thanks. I did the best on ww ill have to look to see.if.I still have my books. I'll go check.it out.

    Sry for typos, using my phone.
  • Welcome back! The 100 pound club has been a huge help to me and you might want to check out the Shoestring Meals thread.
  • welcome back and good luck