Snacks .. before & after Working Out

  • Just curious; which snacks are the best to eat before & after a workout? Or simply, what do you like to eat before/after working out? I'd like a few ideas.

  • I normally eat something light (piece of fruit/veggies...)an hour or so before I do my workout. If I'm hungry I just wanna stuff my face after I've finished and can't move if I've just eaten a meal.

    Have a banana after, makes the hunger go away and also its not loaded with cals/fat so I feel satisfied without feeling guilty Always good.

    I remember reading an article saying the best thing to have after a workout is chocolate milk!!!! Sounds crazy, do a little googling and you'll be able to see for yourself!
  • if i feel like i need to eat before, i usually eat a half of a banana or a granola bar. i only like to eat before a workout if i am feeling light headed or "hungry" nauseous (anyone else get like that?) i'm def more cognizant of what i eat prior to bikram vs. spinning or other types of cardio, the heat can make you nauseous, and a full stomach + nausea = bad news.
  • Quote: I normally eat something light (piece of fruit/veggies...)an hour or so before I do my workout. If I'm hungry I just wanna stuff my face after I've finished and can't move if I've just eaten a meal.

    Have a banana after, makes the hunger go away and also its not loaded with cals/fat so I feel satisfied without feeling guilty Always good.

    I remember reading an article saying the best thing to have after a workout is chocolate milk!!!! Sounds crazy, do a little googling and you'll be able to see for yourself!
    mmmm chocolate milk is a great idea

    thanks for replying guys
  • I go and workout after work, so I grab a bit of white meat rotisserie chicken to help fill me up a little (don't want to eat too much before), it's enough to take the edge off while not sloshing around in your stomach when you workout.

    After, I have a small dinner (fish or chicken with veggies). Since I worked out, I'm not super hungry, so I don't eat a ton - it's a win/win.
  • I eat something with some protein. I love vegetarian refried beans, so I might eat a half a serving of that-or a stick of string cheese-or toast with a bit of feta, or some tuna-or a boiled egg. Protein fills me up and keeps me going for longer. But, I love a good carrot or celery stick when I'm feeling peckish between meals
  • I tried the lowfat chocolate milk last nighy after I worked out 8 oz. and I wasn't hungry and usually I crave chocolate so it worked well for me.
  • I read this in one of the fitness magazines at the gym about the chocolate milk.
  • I LOVE chocolate almond or soy milk. The stuff is surprisingly dense, protein-packed and way lower on the fat and sugar (usually - read the labels!) than their dairy-born counterparts. Whenever I've got the hunger pains gnawing at my stomach, one good glass of that knocks it right out of the way, and it's my favorite recovery snack.
  • When I was doing the personal training route for a local media contest way back in 2006 called Fitness Fantasy (I won, too, by the way; it was awesome!) I was working in the gym with fantastic personal trainers for an hour 3 times a week. After my work outs, I'd stop by the grocery store across the street and I'd grab a good protein shake and some fruit.

    Right now, when I'm doing any exercise, I usually try to have something with some protein in it - a piece of cheese, an egg, or a piece of chicken breast - afterwards, along with water.

    Bananas (as mentioned) are also good b/c they're filling but not loaded with calories, and that potassium really helps too.
  • About an hour before I workout, I eat a small meal of protein/fat/carb (an egg, slice of toast, cup of skim milk). After, I try to eat a heavier protein because it rebuilds the muscle tissue. My favorite is a homemade protein shake (1c almond milk, 1c frozen berries, 1 scoop protein powder). I try to avoid processed protein shakes and chocolate milk because of the added sugar. I know everyone says that chocolate milk is the "best recovery drink," but check out the labels...the g's of sugar are outrageous and it's all just SUGAR. I think you're better off getting your cals in another way unless you're an ultra marathoner or biker. My husband does 3-4 hour uphill mountain bike climbs and burns a couple of thousand calories in a workout and drinks his chocolate milk guilt free. If I'm burning 300-500 calories, there's no way I'm drinking it!
  • I eat before and after, because I tend to get really dizzy and light headed. I usually have a glass of milk before, and a piece of cheese or two after.