hey chicks !

  • i am determined to lose 90lb/7 stone with your help!! I stumbled on this website recently and am so impressed with the support and tips and discussions on here. My main problems with weight are portion sizes and emotional eating. when things get tough i eat. i am exercising everyday and i lost 4 pounds already last week. Its going to be tough but it has to be done, i don't want to be obese/overweight any longer. Here starts my weight loss story... watch this space............
  • WELCOME! 4 lb loss is great! Congrats.
  • welcome! I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope this site helps lots
  • thanks for the support fellow chicks, i'm really excited and motivated about this. i hope i can keep it up, but i know where to turn if this starts to fade. best of luck with your journeys too.