A Message For You

  • This is probably my last post until after Christmas....

    I just wanted to THANK YOU ALL for your love and support through out the year(s). You are all a God send and I'm so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. You are all so perfect to me, please don't change.

    May you all find the peace that passes all understanding this Christmas and forever.

    Love, Eileen
  • Thank YOU for all of your support! You've been very helpful and supportive of everyone that has posted here, and we all truly appreciate it. Several people have commented on your help, via PM and email.

    Leens has been added as the new moderator for this forum! We are thankful that she has accepted the offer

    We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. I know that the holidays can be difficult, especially for those of us that have periods of depression. It is my hope that we can all come together right now, and make the holiday season as smooth and joyful as possible. With the support of people like Leens, and all the other members and moderators here, I think we can do it together
  • Excellent choice
    Leenie has been a dear friend of mine for more than 3 years, ever since I met her in the chatroom. She has been my shoulder to cry on, my sounding board for problems, the teller of dirty jokes to cheer me up and the sister I never had. I can think of no one more caring to handle the task of moderating the board.

    Let's hear it for the Queen of the Nutty Board
  • Hurray~
    Merry Christmas Leenie!

    You take good care of us now!

    Congrats on your promo!

    xo Elizabeth

    P.S. Hi Linda!
  • Thanks Kids !!

    Queen of the Nutty Board, only you Linny, only you !

    HUGGS !