New to Atkins-Advice

  • Read the book, am ready to start Atkins as soon as the holidays are over. Need some help, advice, shopping, food tips for the first 2 weeks. Do you buy and eat the Atkins foods also?
    Any help would be great.
  • Hi Debbie

    I havent bought any atkins food products and have sworn off the atkins bars. They taste too good, and I can do without them.

    Food buying tips? stock up on eggs lol Other than following the plan, and the food allowed, you'll be fine. Its prepared for how sweet your veggies will taste after 2 weeks!!! Its amazing!

    If you want to see what some of us are eating, check out the food logs.

    You've come to a great place for support.....good luck to you!
  • One thing I've learned is that you really can't "eat all you want" of high fat foods. At least I can't. Yes, they are so satisfying that you really can't eat that much of them but those calories still add up. Take in more of them than you burn and you're looking at a gain or a stall. So careful with cheese, whipped cream, butter.
  • Welcome Debp!
    Here are some things I have found to work:

    1. Spend an afternoon cooking up meat (chicken breasts, meatballs w/out breadcrumbs, steaks, hamburgers etc.) and refrigerate or freeze so you'll always have something available. Do the same with veggies - chop some up and put into individual serving bags, wash lettuce, etc. Snacks too - make some cheese crisps, buy some porkrinds, etc. The hardest thing I have found with Atkins is being stuck with nothing to eat, or being out and not having snacks available. There are very few low carb snacks out there, and on induction you have to be really strict about carbs.

    2. Weigh yourself the first day you start and take measurements. I wish I had done this. It gives you a really good idea of your progress, and nothing is more motivating.

    3. Make sure you drink enough water (at least 8 big glasses a day). This is no joke. You won't lose unless you do.

    4. The first three days are the worst as you withdraw from carbs. Allow yourself to eat as much as you want from the legal foods list at any time, even if it seems excessive. The good news is that after about three days not only will you want carbs less, but your appetite will really diminish. You will not be wanting that quantity of food anymore.

    5. Chart your moods and energy levels. Most people (myself included) notice a lifting of moods and significant increase in energy.

    Good luck, keep us posted!!!