Confused with weight loss?

  • I generally follow a low carb plan and loose very little weight. I have upped the carbs, lower the fats, up the protein; just about every combination you can possibly get and I still loose very slow. It's incredibly hard to loose 5 lbs and this can be very frustrating. No doubt my age and menopause have something to do with this. My question is...has this ever happened to you?
    here are times, that I go out with friends and eat a restaurant meal and food that I hardly ever eat and loose weight the next day. I am confused!!! I try so hard that at times its such a struggle to maintain a plan. And then, when I occassionally go of the plan for a day, I loose. What gives? Has this happened to anyone and does any one have any thought on this! Dumbfounded and frustrated!
  • If you are losing weight when eating more it makes me wonder if you are generally eating too few calories.

    Also, not knowing your body type, and without seeing a ticker I cant tell your current weight, but it looks like you have so little to lose and that is always super slow going.
  • Something that has helped me...
    I have been using both Weight Watchers and Lichi Super Fruit Dietary Supplements to diet, and it really seems to be working! I have lost 5 pounds in two weeks just by following simple tips on both websites and being mindful of how and what I eat or do for exercise! I have so much more energy and I am feeling fantastic! I'm excited to see how far I can take this!!!
  • It looks like you are very close to goal, which is awesome! It also means the last few pounds are going to be very hard to lose. I don't know how slowly you are losing, but most feathers lose 1-3 lbs a month (definitely a slower rate than the 1-2 lbs a week people with more weight to lose experience), and I've read on the Maintainers' forum that they often plateaud for months before losing the last 5 lbs.

    Couple of quick points/ideas:
    > Going out to dinner and eating a lot, what some people call a "cheat" or "rev" meal, seems to restart the metabolism and helps with weight loss. So does taking a "diet break" for a few days/weeks and eating at maintenance. Body gets used to burning efficiently at a low-cal diet, then when you up the cals it chills out again. You can then drop the cals again and lose- catching the body off guard, if you will. (Sorry for the crude explanation, I don't know all the science behind id )
    > Again, if you only have 5 lbs to lose, it could take months. Be patient! Stick with your lifestyle changes and healthy eating.
    > Calorie cycling/zig zagging seems to help some people. It tends to have the same effect as taking a diet break- keeping the body on its toes so it doesn't start getting efficient at burning and causing weight loss to stall.

    Good luck!
  • All good points to consider. I am a pear type, slow oxidizer and eat around 1500 calories a day with a diet of liberal protein and cleansing veges, 2 starchy veges, 2 probiotics and 2 fruits. My proteins are mostly fish and chicken or protein powder. I weight 135 now (still figuring the sticker thing) and my goal is probably more like 125, if I could ever get there! I may try to calorie re-cycling just to tease the metabolism to see if changes things up a bit. Thanks for all your comments.