They lie, the scales lie!

  • Just thought I would share a funny story with you.

    I bought a cheap pair of digital scales and ever since I got them they have said 11.12 which is approx what I am, I didn't think anything of it cos I hadn't really lost anything. Then I started another diet and lost 6lbs according to the WiiFit, jumped on my scales and they still said 11.12. I showed OH, a little confused and he had a look couldn't see anything obviously wrong. I stepped on again and it still said 11.12 at this point OH filled the kettle and told me to hold it and get back on, scales still read 11.12.

    TBH I think if an elephant stood on my scales it would read 11.12. Bad scales. Since then we have not used my scales and always use the WiiFit.

    I don't know, but it made us giggle.
  • Can I have them? would love to weigh that amount!!!