The Daily--Thursday Dec. 19th

  • Just starting us up! Back in a minute!
  • Kind of a busy day today although it starts off pretty slow. We are going to the final day fo drop in for the year so Miree won't be half as Christmas crazy as she is! I'm telling you, no oneis hoping for Christmas to hurry up and arrive as much as I am. Miree has been impossible to deal with, WAAAAAY too excited ad gee, I know it's fun and all but I can't even get a coat on her to go anywhere!

    Then this afternoon it's her final swimming lesson and then I'm off to my board meeting and dinner. Should be fun!

    Hope you all have a great day, even though I know each and every one of you is soooo busy!!!
  • Good Morning Pooky and all to come!!

    I've been busy, busy, busy since we came back from our trip. I have still not read the old dailys, shame on me, but I will!!!

    Ruth if you tell me where the info is on posting pics to the Yahoo Chick Coop I will post a few pics from St Lucia, if I can figure it out.

    Is anyone baking for Christmas? I will be starting tomorrow. I meant to get it started before now and freeze items, just never got it done. If anyone has an Aldi's nearby go there for butter and eggs!! I paid 99 cents for a pound of butter and 33 cents for a doxen eggs. I have used the products before, they are off name, but every bit as good as the brand name, and for baking you can't beat it!

    Finally made a trip to the basement (remember I don't do basements) to get our tree decorations to do the tree. It has been up for well over a week with only lights on it, thought maybe the kids would decorate it while we were gone, but no..........must wait for MOM!!

    Took my van into the shop last night for new tires and brakes.....Merry Christmas to me, oh well, it could be worse. We are driving my van to Virginia the day after Christmas since middle son is coming on this trip, we could fit in hubbies car, but it's just a little too close for a 10 hour drive.

    Hope everyone is well on their way to finishing up the last minute details for their Holiday Celebrations.

    Have a great day.....not too stressful.....enjoy!!

  • No wonder Miree is excited - this old hen is even excited. I see little kids a lot and they all have that "look" in their eyes - Christmas magic.

    Deb, butter is over 3 bucks here and we pay $1.75 for eggs from a farm! I'll check out posting pics in Yahoo later today. I can't remember if you ever joined us in that group. We have not used the Extra Coop for ages. I'll check.

    Well, I sure have a curly head of hair - too darn curly but what can you do! Feels good anyhow. DH did his shopping and was smart enough to take it to one of those volunteer wrapping tables so he is finished. I am off to Kingston to search for a red vest but will probably end up with a boring sweater and shirt combo. I'll add a bottle of Remy Martin and some Laura Secord French Crisps and that'll be it.

    The tree is still not lit or decorated but we are getting there. Next year I think we will have a tree assembly, lighting and decorating party.

    Today I am wearing my Wreath earrings that my DD sent and feeling festive!

    I hope everyone can find 15 minutes for themselves today.
  • Hi Girlies,

    I'm alone today yahoooooooo !

    I'm going shopping in a few minutes to get a sweater for my MIL and something for the old FIL and I think I'm done..... I think.

    We don't have a big tree up this year cause would be climbing it, so we have a little fiber optic one on the table. Presents are wrapped and I'm still waiting for the mail to deliver a few more and thats it ! Kaaa put !

    Butter here is 3.99 a lb unless there is a sale, sick huh! Last year when it went on sale for 99 cents I got 25 lbs. It saved me a bundle (we froze it). Eggs here you can get for I think $1.19, they aren't to bad.

    Anyway, have a Merry Christmas !!!
    Love, Leenie
  • Hi ladies!!

    Leens, Ruth Debkay and Pooky - Christmas can come NOW!!! My 5 and 3 yr old are both mini demons. They have a party at my daughters preschool today so we took goodie bags and cupcakes, I must give credit to the nanny - she did it all I just dropped it off....The little one ws so excited she wore her party dress and ribbon in her hair - her teacher told me she is one of the most loving children she has ever taught - I think that is a great compliment and i feel blessed to have her....ALmost finished shopping, I have to wrap..YUK

    Have a great day ladies.
  • Morning!

    Getting ready to go grocery shopping here. Gonna make a couple lasagne's to freeze for company pop ins over the next week or so. Gotta grab a ham and turkey too. As for baking, nahhhh not this year, don't get enough me time to do it with mr. busy running about. Butter is around $4 a lb here, once in awhile it goes on sale for $2 I buy lots then. Eggs are reasonable here too, lots of farms.

    Told dh I could have a coop in the garage they could have run of the garden area, we could have our own fresh eggs, he made the comment that he did not want to be awoke by some loud chicken, silly man, told him only roosters crow! LOL

    Got my tree up but no lights on it, tonight I will get dh to do them, he does a wonderful job, down the center, up each branch, I don't have the patience to piddle around with it. The decorations I will do but never the lights!!

    Hiya Scooby2!

    Nanny??? I want a Nanny! Could we share the Nanny?LOL

    Have a great day!
  • Hi everyone. I'm in suuuuuuuuuuch a foul mood tonight, I probably stink. Horrible day at work, hey JIFF, I feel your pain! Then, horrible day at home. Anyone wanna trade kids or parents? Please?????

    I'm off for an attitude adjustment. Maybe a glass of wine or 7. Ya'll have a wonderful evening!
  • Hello Chicks. Just waiting for the hockey game to start on TV. My Canucks against Nashville.
    I just picked up a gizmo from the post office that I ordered from the Shopping Channel. Called Xyron and it's for making things permanently adhesive. You can also get cartridges for making magnets and for laminating stuff. It's my Xmas present to myself. It will give me something to play with after the holidays.
    Easy dinner tonight. Lots of leftovers from last night's roast beef dinner. Unfortunately I polished off all the leftover Yorkshire Puddings. Did you know they are basically the same as popovers and go great with jam for breakfast? hehehe I know, you didn't need to hear that.
    I love reading the posts from you Chicks with kidlets. They sure bring back happy memories. My two girls would even go to Sunday School in the couple of months before Christmas just so they could get in on the concert and the goody bags (little pirates that they were). Of course, after Christmas I couldn't pay them to go to Sunday School. Sorry to say I couldn't blame them. I absolutely hated Sunday School myself and would avoid it as much as possible. I don't think I turned out too bad though.
    BTW, butter is about $4 a pound here and eggs about $3 a dozen. Sometimes I get them from a friend who has chickens for $2.50 a doz but they are on strike right now. Even if I take the 20 minute drive over the border to Wa. state, the butter is over $2 a lb. Not sure about eggs there though. I never bother to make the drive.
  • OK this egg and butter thing has me worried!! I am in TN nad eggs are .89 cents a dozen and butter is around $2.29 or so, usually I can get is on sale for $1.89 if I buy the store brand.

    Meowna - we can sure ly share the nanny of you will take my husband!!!! HEEHEE
  • So, what are you worried about? I haven't seen eggs at that price in years in Canada. Butter has skyrocketed in the past 10 years. It's shocking.