I feel disgusting

  • I am 5'5 and weigh 138 pounds and I am 21 yrs old. When I was 16-17 I weighed 118 pounds and after a pill I was put on for IBS I gained a ton of weight and got to 160. I lost some of it, but I feel so gross. I run a few times a week, but its my overeating that is the problem. I eat so much and its not when I am hungry either, I literally eat til I feel sick then I end up like beating myself up over it. I really need some support to lose this weight.
  • We're really glad you are here! Posting on these forums can be really helpful. I struggle with overeating as well. The Chicks in Control forum and the OverEater's Anonymous forum both help me.
  • thank you!!
  • Hey try not to be so self critial , were all in the same boat here we all feel ur anguish. Im sure you can find a way to get back on track. if your over indulging try to work out why. What are your triggers? and try to channel them it to something positive other than over eating.

    I feel for u with IBS just double checking your on about (irritible bowel syndrome) i to suffer from it.
    Ive not had an attack as such for over a yeah, ive had small ones but my attacks could go on for weeks on end, i suffer form the bowel spasam form and id be in agony.
    I too was put on a pill, it began with a M cant remember the exact name, but it was designed to digest ya food quickly so ud suffer less symptoms if IBS and to stop spasams.
    I havent soley blammed these for my weight gain but when i think back , they really could have been.
    My food used to digest so fast id be starving and i mean STARVING belly growling the lot, so id snakc to satisfy my hunger.
    And before i knew it i was 2stone heavier in the space of 5 months that was two year ago and im still strugling t shift the weight but since comeing off he pills i have a natural appetite and hunger pains. My ibs just went as soon as i stopped working nightshifts.
    Speak to your doc as if they r the pills i was in , they very well could be making u gain weight , GOOD LUCK
  • I'm off all of my IBS pills and have been for awhile. I can't remember the name of it though. I just binge ate and its to the point where I feel like vomiting I am so sick. I could never figure out why I do this =( I need help
  • Hey there, just wanted to let you know you're not alone with the overeating and subsequent self loathing. The Chicks in Control forum can be very good support for binging/overeating, and there are quite a few posters in this Featherweights forum who have similar issues.
  • What relieves my bowel pain is chamomile tea. Maybe it would help you also.
    Sometimes crystallized ginger helps too.

    I also make my own kefir. It is an ancient remedy for bowel disorders.
    If you google "dominic kefir" you will see what it is. It helps with a lot of digestive disorders.
  • Thank you everyone =) I am happy to be here
  • I have IBS, too, and I find taking a fiber supplement every day helps me a lot. I mix citrucel into a glass of water before dinner and it also helps to fill me up a bit. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Easier said than done, I know. I have thyroid/hormone problems that make it difficult to lose weight and keep it off and I am definitely hardest on myself. I find the women on these forums to be the kindest and most helpful support anywhere. I hope you do, too!