Ever been demotivated by...

  • ...taking weight loss pictures?

    I started taking mine today; you know the usual swim suit/under wear ones that are only really meant for your eyes and are suppose to motivate you to lose weight. Well... When I seen myself, I actually felt demotivated. Partly because I feel like I've been working out forever and just not seeing the super results I want.

    But, I know that it's taken me a long time to put this weight on, so it'll take some time to get it off. But... still.

    Anyone else experience this?
  • At first, yes, I would get discouraged by taking those pictures.

    BUT - I just recently took pictures again, and OMFG I'm so glad that I did!! I forgot what I looked like at 230 (denial much?) and it was awesome to see the difference. If it's really demoralizing for you, maybe don't do it. But believe me - in the last 15 pounds I've lost I've seen a really big difference.
  • Know what you mean. When I had lost my first 20 lbs I took photos and got so excited to look at the comparison, but I couldn't tell at all. I'm a lot bigger than you, so 20 pounds is not as big a change on my body, but I can understand the frustration. I don't really have any suggestions. Just hang in there Even if you can't see the difference, other people can. Your brain just needs to catch up.
  • I totally know what you mean! I just had my own demoralizing moment a few weeks back. I FEEL like I should look better than I actually do. It's very sobering.

    But like others have said before me, it took me 40 years to put this weight on and build these "handles" it will surely take a LOT more work and far more than 1 year to smooth it all out again. Patience Grasshopper...patience
  • I haven't taken any photos; but, I get that feeling when I try on a pair of old jeans that I am sure I am into by now, and there is no way I can get them up yet.
  • This is why I haven't taken pictures since I took my initial pictures. I don't want to get unmotivated by not seeing a change. What did motivate me was trying on old clothes and I don't see a change in the mirror but I definitely see it in my clothes and that's a welcoming change!
  • I took photos of myself in just jeans and a tank top -- so nothing that can't be seen by others... but I had the same reaction unfortunately. I do intend to take pics again for comparison in hopes that, like mdchick, I see enough of a difference to feel real good about the progress.

    I've always been super critical of pictures of myself, so in hindsight it's not exactly the best method of positive motivation for someone like me. No matter what I would find something wrong! So instead I use measurements to help determine my success.
  • For me taking pictures is key. It is a real reality check- I was shocked to see myself standing there, and it has been good to see small changes. Anything smaller than what I was is a huge victory.

    I take pictures once a month (so its only been 2 so far). I think any more frequently would make me feel like no progress was being made. Maybe give yourself a break for a few months and then take a picture, you are destined to see progress

    Hang in there, you are doing awesome things for your body! Your mind will catch up in due time!
  • Thanks for the responses everyone! I know that after I'm further along I'll definitely be happy that I took the pictures, but it was kind of bumming me out now and I wanted to whine a little.

    I think I just need to take pictures less often. Hopefully that way I'll end up seeing bigger differences between each picture.