No i dont hate exercising, I just hate the gym.

  • So for a long time i thought i hate se, which is not true i think.
    I really just hate going to the gym. I can walk for miles with friends, just hanging around, i can do any form of "chore" that requires an effort , but rly i cant go to the gym. If i could have a gym in my room, i would exercise all day n night n 24/7. I dont know why i m so negative to the "gym" thing. I used to go as a teenager, but i think seeing all those ppl trying to show off made me rly sad.

    Does anyone exercise at home without any proffesional equipment ? And if so what is your daily exercise routine ?

    *Since i m starting to loose weight again, i think exercise is inevitable, but i m rly trying to find something that works for me, as gym doesnt.
  • A few people posted on this thread some ideas: As I wrote on that thread, I love yoga, which can deliver both strength and cardio, and can be done in the living room with very little equipment.
  • There's also a sticky thread in the weight training forum for beginners who want to work out at home.

    See here
  • I hate the gym too. I'll go and use the cardio machines but in general I find the gym not very engaging and chore, when I do go I go during 'off' hours or very early in the morning. I like it when there are very little people there or it's the early bird demographic which are people more like me....more business people and older people which seems generally less intimidating.

    At home I've started going to fittv on demand and chaining together all the 10-15 minute workouts to do alternating strength training and cardio at home. I also joined a zumba class not affiliated with the gym - so I go 2 nights a week to the nights of columbus.... the class is enjoyable, not intimidating and full of 'normal' women who are just having a good time and I also do yoga at a very small studio which has a very good vibe. I think in terms of the gym itself I will eventually switch facilities to go someplace that offers classes because I find it more inviting.

    good luck!!
  • This saddens me. I'm a morning gym goer and I've noticed those of us who go so early, 5:00 AM-ish, are pretty darn routine. We're extremely friendly with each other and recently I've become part of the "crowd", I guess. There are a good 6 or 7 people I get chatty with and I am, or used to be, an extreme introvert.

    Not that this matters, but it's possible the people you think are showing off have really just been there a while. In talking with these people that I always assumed were naturally thin, it turns out of that lots of us are maintainers or working our way down.

    BUT...that don't have to love the gym. There's no reason you can't get it all at home. I personally love doing work with an exercise ball and dumbbells and pretty much that what I do at the gym anyway.
  • I workout at home. I started by running outdoors. When the weather got cold I bought a used treadmill off craigslist. I have a pull up bar that goes under the door and use that. I DO have a full gym at home, equipped with everything you could probably imagine, but rarely EVER use that. I have free weights also.

    Moral of the need to have a bunch of equipment...the best equipment is your own body and perhaps a set of dumbells! Of course you can do it at home. I love working out in my thermal undies!
  • Quote: I love working out in my thermal undies!
    LOL! Yeah, I'd save some good money on workout clothes if I worked out at home! Funny how I spend more money on clothes I sweat in than I do on clothes I wear all day!
  • I used to go to a gym. It was expensive, and I hated driving there, and I hated the machines. I don't use machines anymore, at all. If you don't like gym exercise, find something you do like! I have done P90X, Insanity, Turbofire, and I just started Brazil Butt Lift. Those are all beachbody videos.

    And in all honesty, the gym isn't the only place you can get fit. I've gone to yoga studios before and really enjoyed it. They have a great atmosphere and are way less intimidating than your average gym. I like the home workouts because they are fun and don't require actually leaving your house (with the snow in the winter, that's great!). Walking or running outside is so fun, and I've recently discovered snowboarding for a winter activity. I have realized sports (soccer, basketball, motocross, etc.) have offered me a lot of benefits, and I can actually do those for 2-3 hours because they are FUN. I know a girl who started hula hooping and lost 20 lbs! Another friend discovered she enjoys boxing and looks great now. Find something you like, because being miserable at a gym isn't a good way to get in shape or enjoy life

    And if you like the gym, that's fine too! I just personally don't prefer it.
  • You couldn't pay me to join a gym. Here's what I do and it's helping me lose about a pound a week, combined with Weight Watchers.

    - walking for an hour or so at least once a week. Usually somewhere hilly, often in snow.
    - yoga class a couple of times a week.
    - yoga at home which mostly consists of poses that can be done lying on the floor, sit ups and lifting my 8 pound hand weights.
    - biking/snow shoeing/cross country skiiing once a week, depending on weather.
    - a day long mountain hike at least once a month

    This is my winter routine. When spring and summer come there is usually a daily walk, more biking, swimming and more hiking.
  • I'm another gym-hater. I work from home, so driving into town (I live very rural) to go to a gym would defeat the purpose of that. Why commute when you don't have to??

    I found a basic BowFlex on craigslist. Picked it up for super-cheap and now I do circuit training at home 4 days a week. On the off days, I take a walk for at least half an hour or do yoga with my Wii Fit. I also have exercise DVDs. There's always something you can do at home!

    Good luck finding something you love to do!
  • Thanks everyone for your awsome suggestions. I started walking along with some exercise vids online, and see where i go from there
  • I plan on getting an elliptical trainer really soon from nordatrack for this specific reason. Until I get over my phobia of the gym, I guess it will be home and hopefully when I feel comfortable I will go back to curves and join the 24 hour fitness.