Oprah, Vegan Show

  • So, I haven't seen the show, but I read that Oprah did a vegan week! How exciting! I'm sure it was filled with animal replacement products, but I don't care. I'm really hoping veganism/vegetarianism will become a huge trend - for people's health, the environment, and animal suffering.
  • She did a 21 day vegan and glutenfree cleanse. Unfortunetly she went back to the being omni. Could have been great if Oprah was vegan!
  • Why the gluten-free? One of the things that I love about being vegan is eating gluten! I love bread and seitan.

    I was reading her blog a bit, where she wrote about what she ate.... it looked good, but also a bit boring. For most dinners, she would eat a simple baked potato and salad. That seems a bit repetitive. Also, I think I would feel too limited as a vegan if I could not eat gluten - it is possible.... but if that were the case, I'd probably have to go vegetarian.
  • I'm getting ready to do a gluten and dairy "cleanse" but I would think 21 days wouldn't be enough. I'm trying to determine if I have an allergy. What was her purpose?
  • I don't know what the purpose of the 'no gluten' was.... maybe it is on her website?

    The 21 day vegan challenge stood for environmental change, being more aware of what is on our plate, and the health benefits of eating vegan.

    Good luck with the cleanse! I'd suggest focusing on rice, potatoes, fruits, and veggies. Let us know if you found that you do have an allergy or if it helped your diet.