Turbo Fire

  • So right now I'm doing Chalene Johnson's Chalean Extreme, and I'm over half way through the program. I love her personality so much. I love that she motivates you through the workouts. I also like that she's a happy person, but she isn't Sarah Mann or Denise Austin happy. Anyways...I've been seeing a lot of things lately on her new program called Turbo Fire and i was wondering if anyone has tried it? And if so what did y'all think?
  • I'm dying to try it! Hoping to convine my husband to let me get it!
  • Mee too!....well minus the husband part lol....i guess replace husband with boyfriend haha
  • I'm new to this site but I just ordered turbo fire should be here by Saturday! I cannot wait to get started! I tried the gym thing to boring and kind of intimidating. I read many reviews and blogs on turbo fire it seems to be very popular and chalene always seems to say the right thing at the right time in the workout to keep you going. But ladies I will be sure to come back and tell you how turbo fire is!
  • I got it as a Christmas gift and really like it. It's fun and it burns a lot of calories, but it's shelved for now because I'm on a six day a week schedule of other stuff.
  • tiff2013: yeah I hate the gym...I feel like everyone's looking at me because I'm the "fat" girl I don't even let my boyfriend watch me work out half the time lol....I jokingly told a friend the other day that I'm trying to lose weight so I can go to the gym lol. But tell me what you think about Turbo Fire when you get it!

    audri8301: thanks! I love her in Chalean Extreme and I rememember seeing the advertisements for Turbo Jam when I was younger and everyone seems to still like this one. So I'm really considering Turbo Fire.
  • I ordered it last week. Hopefully it will be here by tomorrow!!
  • ihavethemusicinme: I toally feel the same way at the gym it doesn't help that I'm from a small town so I know like everyone at the gym like jocks from highschool....not cool. I got my turbo fire today, I did the fire 30 stretch 10. Its fun but kind of hard to keeep up with I'm sure once I get to know the moves beter it will be easier. This dvd had 2 fire drills in it I actually made it through them which suprised me. I was sweating A LOT and my heart rate was difently up there. All in all it was a good workout for once in can say I can't wait to workout tomorrow after work.
  • Has anyone done turbo jam? I'm doing it now and thinking if it would be worth it to get turbo fire...
  • I do turbo jam. It is so much fun!! Its tough, but once you get the hang of it, its fun!!!
  • Quote: Has anyone done turbo jam? I'm doing it now and thinking if it would be worth it to get turbo fire...
    I haven't done Turbo Jam, but I used to take Turbo Kick at my gym. From what I understand TK & TF are a bit more intense than TJ. The Fire workouts in TF are basically Turbo Kick classes on DVD. The HIIT workouts are a bunch of "Fire" drills (or what Turbos in TK class) repeated a few times each. Being experienced in TK, I find the TF workouts pretty easy to follow, even without using the new to class option on the DVDs.