Can't believe it fits!!!

  • When my fifth child was born, I lost 30 pounds, bought a closet full of new clothes, lost another 20 and then promptly gained it all back again. 9 months after child #6 was born, I got down to the same weight as I was when I originally bought the new clothes and THEY DIDN'T FIT! So I've been doing a lot of tummy exercises along with my "diet" and as of today some of my old clothes fit!!! I still have a little ways to go before they all fit, but I'm so excited!!! First goal met!


    Goal 1: Loose enough to fit into old clothes
    Goal 2: Get to 199lbs
    Goal 3: Get to 180
    Goal 3: 150
    Goal 4: 130
    Goal 5: 120 (?)
  • Good job!
  • That is a wonderful accomplishment! Woohooo!!!!!
  • That is such a wonderful feeling isn't it?!

    I have a pair of jeans that fit me before I became pregnant with my son, they are a size 6...a smaller 6 I think but the jeans are a tad stretchy. Anyways, this past summer I tried them on and they fit! They are totally not in style and I would not wear them in public but I am hanging onto them lol
  • Wow, I seriously can't imagine being in a size six! I have a pair of pants here that are a size 10 and I keep wondering if they're misses instead of woman's because I seriously cannot imagine ever fitting into them! Is it truly possible to go all the way from 250lbs to a size six???!!!
  • I'm with you on that one, Rina. I've always been a double-digits woman, mostly in the 16-18 size range. I'm now in a 12 (Levi's jeans), and can't picture me in an 8. I'd be as tiny as my daughters! Never going to happen!