You gotta be kidding me.

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  • So this woman comes in at my work today and orders a salad. She then starts going on and on about how fat she is, and how she's on a diet, because bikini season's coming up. (there's snow on the ground.)

    She looked to be about a size 2, 4 at the biggest, about 5'6". This is a THIN woman! My employee and I are standing there, my size 12 butt and her size 20 butt.

    I tell her she's not fat, assuming that's what she was going for and that it'd shut her up. she turns around and smacks her a** at us, saying "what do you call this??!!!"

    honestly, it's like a toothpick telling a hotdog that it needs to whittle off a few 100ths of a centimeter.

    My employee, ...let's call her C, C looks her square in the eyes and says " t*ts have more fat in them than your entire body."

    The lady just rolls her eyes at us and says "Well, YEAH. but YOU don't have to wear a bikini in front of the whole country club this summer."

    It just oozed of 'of course you're fat, but I'm important.'

    Why? Why do some skinny people have to act like that? You could tell she didn't really think she was fat...just the opposite. like her 3 pounds within the next 4 months type of goal is such a big deal. I lost 2 pounds this week, b*otch, so suck it.

    Sorry, I needed to vent.
  • Quote: My employee, ...let's call her C, C looks her square in the eyes and says " t*ts have more fat in them than your entire body."

    I think we have all been in a situation where a thin person has made a comment like that.

    Honestly, I think it is all about attention. They say the things they say to get reactions like "You look great", "you don't need to diet" etc etc

    For some people comments and confirmations that they are indeed thin make them feel better.

    On another note - yes, I find it extremely annoying and frustrating.... at times... somestimes I find it completely amusing
  • Because being skinny/thin/slim does not mean severe body image issues and self-esteem problems. Believe me, I've been 165lbs and I've been 109lbs - and I felt a lot more 'fat' and worthless at 109lbs. I was quite happy, as a person in general, at 165lbs.

    And then some people are just jerks? Not everyone on this planet cares about the feelings of others. That's an unfortunate reflection of themselves.
  • I found it more amusing than anything. but they seek out chunky girls on purpose?

    'Oh, somebody twice my size!! SURELY they think I'm skinny.'
  • Quote: Because being skinny/thin/slim does not mean severe body image issues and self-esteem problems. Believe me, I've been 165lbs and I've been 109lbs - and I felt a lot more 'fat' and worthless at 109lbs. I was quite happy, as a person in general, at 165lbs.

    And then some people are just jerks? Not everyone on this planet cares about the feelings of others. That's an unfortunate reflection of themselves.
    I've been the same way, feeling fat when I was in reality a thin person. But this woman obviously had pretty high self esteem.

    I really think she was trying to get compliments and rub her bony butt in our faces.
  • Then she definently falls into the jerk category

    As Judge Judy says, beauty fades but dumb is forever.
  • I have been in situations where little stick people are calling themselves fat. It hurts my feelings and makes me wonder what they REALLY think of me.
  • I agree that people have their own body image issues and struggles. My struggles as someone who weighs over 200 lbs and used to weigh over 300 lbs is not the same as someone whose highest weight is 150 lbs for example. If someone says they need to lose weight but I don't see it, they may have body image issues or truly they may want to lose weight. I support them as long as it is healthy for them.

    Yes it may have sounded rude but it may be that she truly believes she needs to lose weight and maybe she does have more fat on her body than she would like.
  • Quote: I have been in situations where little stick people are calling themselves fat. It hurts my feelings and makes me wonder what they REALLY think of me.
    Im my humble opinion, these people are too busy thinking about themselves to think of the rest of us. Like ArtyKay said, 'they are important' !
  • That is so annoying. I had a friend who did this to me on a daily basis. "Ugggh I'm disgusting" allll the time...after giving her compliments everyday I finally just started ignoring her and she quit. Something has to be seriously wrong with someone who does that in front of someone who really does need to lose weight!
  • I don't know, I'm tempted to give the lady the benefit of the doubt. So many people of all different sizes are insecure about their weight. I don't go around saying this to people (except sometimes my husband), but I definitely feel fat a fair amount of the time -- and when I say "I feel fat", I mean that I feel that I have more mass on my body than I would like... and that has nothing to do with anybody else's size -- it has everything to do with me not feeling as thin as the personal standard in mind for myself.

    For many people, being fat or not has everything to do with their personal standard (they may compare themselves to other people sometimes, hey, we all do, but they're not necessarily sitting around judging everyone else for their size, but rather themselves.) Why are only the people who are clinically overweight/obese allowed to have body image issues?
  • Ugh. It's annoying enough to be complaining like that, but what she said to your coworker was REALLY obnoxious.
  • people are stupid. A lot of times they are so self involved they don't even think about who they are talking to. I had a friend once phone me hysterical because she didn't get pregnant the very first month she was off the pill. I'd been trying for 4 years and had lost 3 pregnancies. What could she have been thinking?
  • I think the comment that is the problem here is the bikini one. THat one, to me, shows that she was being mean and not just expressing her own distorted self image thoughts.

    When you're smaller, you can still need to lose weight. I'm in a weight loss thing at work to lose my last 15ish. Previous years, everyone wanted to be on my team. This year, people specifically said to my face taht they don't want to be on my team, they want someone who has more weight to lose. Nevermind the fact that it's not based on percentage of body weight loss, it's based on percentage of goal (which is annoying, but another topic). Nevermind the fact that I will definitely lose my goal in the set amount of time. I'm now "too skinny" and some people don't want to be on my team anymore.

    I feel like I am not able to talk about weight things with friends that I have talked about it to for years because I'm now smaller than them. So generally, I try to remember that just because someone is smaller than me doesn't mean that they don't need to lose weight or whatever their goal is. But that lady was just rude.
  • what i hate is when someone complains that they are fat, and of course they aren't, and here i am 200 pounds more then them, in the same breathe, they will say oh you aren't fat...umm seriously?