Best iPhone apps?

  • What are the most useful apps for the iPhone that you have found for helping with weight loss?

  • MyNetDiary Pro calorie counter
    Couch 2 5K
    Streaks - motivation
    Women's Health workouts
    Nutrition - NI database, weight tracker
    Spark Recipes
  • I have an iPod touch but a lot of the iPhone apps are the same. I use Lose It! because I'm a calorie counter and it helps keep me accountable, plus there are tons of foods to choose from!
  • I also use "Lose It!" and think it's great! In addition to a lot of foods already being in there, you can put in your can also add exercise too!
  • My net diary pro- exellent resource that counts calories, charts weight, analyses your food.
  • I like Livestrong for calorie tracking. I've never had a time when I couldnt find the food I was searching for.

    I also like MapMyFitness, BodyMedia (to use with my gowear fit), Nike Training, C25K (couch to 5K) and B210K (bridge to 10K).

    I have lots of apps for health and wellness, I'm kind of obsessed, lol.
  • What would be a good app for keeping track of points?
  • I think I've seen there is a WW app. I don't know what you can do with it, though.
  • There is also an app called "MyScorePlus" or something like that. It's pretty much a points plus calculator and also has an activity calculator included. I love it!!!

    I have the WW app, but don't have my information yet since our WW At Work meeting was cancelled yesterday due to snow.

    I use the app for My Fitness Pal because I use their calorie tracking site. It's very similar to Lose It!