Hi My name is Rebeka and I made a new years resolution.

  • Hi! *waves frantically*
    My Name Is Rebeka ^_^. I am 18 years old, and I weigh 160 last time i checked. I am 4 ft 11 inches. My new years resolution is five parts, with one of them being to gain my weight control. I want to lose about 30 pounds. I also want to keep it off, during college. I get January and February off so this is when I want to make my stand, and start to concure my monster. I started gaining weight when my grandmother died when i was 12, before then i was always underwait.
  • Hi Rebeka, welcome to 3FC! Those are fantastic goals and I'm glad you joined us. We'll do our best to support you and hope to see you posting in our Success forum very soon

  • Hello

    Well you have come to a great place to help you in your journey! Now that you have a goal in mind.. check out the forum's section on diets and their information. Choose one that is best for you Good luck and stay positive!!
  • Yay, you helped me with my NY resolution which was to be kind and patient with the influx of resolution people, on the grounds that some among them will be committed, serious, genuine and still here in April. You sound like one of those. Welcome to 3FC, it's been seriously great here.
  • Thanks you!
    @ Suzanne Thanks! I hope so to!
    @Martha Thanks for the information! And Yeah its really hard to stay poitive, because I hav alot a goals for my wieght I am working on losing 10 inches as well. I noticed You do Zuma! I love Zumba! I started it yesterday with some other work out because I havent gotten a chance to buy it yet I am using my on demand Exercise TV. But yeah! I lvoe Zumba
    @Rose Rodent hey! Yeah i am pretty certin that I am going to lose weight, because I am in my freshmen year of college and I really want to look nice this year. And to do so I believe that for my health and my apparence I am trying to lsoe 10 inches and 30 lbs. If you want we should keep in touch. I dont know if ill be here in april with that same goal, because I want to get out of most of that weight before i turn 19. But I would really be happy to keep in touch!
  • Hi Rebeka & welcome to 3FC! I"m new here myself - another NY resolution lady! good luck with your weight loss goals
  • Hey ^^
    It's nice to see another college student joining up here I swear I get tempted to just stay in my dorm and study, it's horrible! I hope the year goes well for you