Tomorrow marks phase 1, day 1...

  • I am ready. Back to the beach I go....

    I went to the store and bought foods to last me the week and beyond. Plenty of veggies, beans, soups, low fat cheese, nuts, and lean proteins.

    I packed my lunch for tomorrow--lots of veggies. In fact mostly veggies, mixed in with some lunch meat, hummus, and low fat cheese.

    My family is on board--they aren't going to eat on plan, but they have my back.
    I also have a bet with them--if I can lose 50 pounds, my mother will quit smoking and my brother will pay for me to have lasik surgery on my eyes. The goal is to lose as much weight as possible before my June 18th wedding.

    I am nervous, but I am ready. And I am sure I will be turning to 3FC for tons of support.

    Sweet dreams Chicks! Best of luck to those of you on phase 1...or 2, or 3
  • Sounds like you have some great motivators in place. You will do great.
  • Great! Best of luck and keep with it! I think tomorrow I too will be ready for phase 1 day 1. I have been on 1.5 to ease myself back into a strict 1 as per some insight from a lovely lady who noticed I was having a rather difficult journey this time around. So good luck to you and wish me luck!
  • Yes
    You can do this. I am starting TODAY~
  • Planning is the most helpful thing for me and it looks like you've got that covered!

    Best wishes!
  • What great incentives! I'm back on PH1 too. Glad to have the company.
  • Good vibes to everyone starting phase one today. We are all here and for you. Make yourself your number one priority and check in often to let us know how you are doing. It does help.
  • It went really well! Resting up for about 30 minutes, then getting my food ready for tomorrow. I went ahead and grilled some chicken tonight so I will have that on hand all week. Yea for a good day 1!!!
  • Hey Sarah I will love to join you on phase one again tomorrow. As we are having floods everywhere in Australia it was hard to get supplies in to start ,but went to a small allrounder today and found enough meat etc to make a start. So with you in tyhe morjning are we posting daily what we eat or what ?? Violet
  • lol i love your title.. i started my phase 1 on jan 3. You have awesome motivations .. im sure youll succeed..
  • Great motivations! Good luck, you can do this!

    /Side Note - Lasik surgery was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I think you'll enjoy the results once you get there
  • Thank you for the support and encouragement! It is great motivation! And I really love that I can go online and receive so much great support.

    Violet, I have been posting what I eat on the "on plan" thread but I would love to compare. Hope everything is okay with the floods--I teach geography and we were talking about that this morning. Good luck!
  • I started Phase 1 on Thursday the 6th. So, I'm right behind you.
    You will do excellent. You will be more beautiful and happy on June 18th than you could ever imagine!! Make 2011 YOUR year. Best of luck to you!
  • I think I will start this diet today.. Low fat, sugar free.. Right?? I have the book. I need to reread it.. Phase 1 for me.. I need to lose alot of weight.. 75 lbs.. I lost 10 in 5 weeks doing Atkins, but.. low fat and sfree sounds better. I think.. I want to lose weight a little faster.. Thanks for having me..
  • to The Beach, sarahsk! You sure have some great incentives to lose weight, and I wish you great success!

    Laneebm! I hope after reading the book that you do decide to join us here on The Beach. It's more than just low fat and sugar-free, though, so make sure you read the book thoroughly before starting on this plan. We look forward to getting to know you.