Accountability, menu, plans, exercise, stuff - Month of January 2011

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  • Here is a place where you can put down your daily plans and intentions, menu, exercises, and more.

    Feel free to join in!
  • Hi chicks... Happy New Year!

    We were on the road for a week around Christmas time. Then we had to go to another city because my stepmom had an accident. She is doing OK now, thank goodness. I am glad to be home in my food comfort zone.

    I think I need a sugar detox (LOL). No really... it's time to get back to eating more healthfully and moving forward in this area of my life. I let stress get to me and turned to food (my usual MO). Of course, it didn't work. I am hard headed. BUT - we can't change one thing from the past. Just learn from it and move forward.

    I will be working on my usual things:
    plan/log food exchanges
    lots of water
    stretches and strengthening
    no eating while standing
    no seconds
    slow mindful eating
    TASTE the food
    fork down between bites

    Have a great day!
  • Sunday
    Daily Plan
    Journal all food consumed
    Take a 11 minute walk
    Wear my pedometer all day
    Reduce my Carb intake (even if its just one less pretzel!)

  • I did really well yesterday ....I made a pot of homemade beef stroganoff. I ate a bowl full and stopped. I use to would have had a plate full. I am proud of that choice.
    Laying off eggs for a bit.
    Today will be a bowl of oatmeal.
    lunch will be a huge salad and dinner will be a chicken breast and veggies.

    things i need to work on...
    eating 3 small meals a day
    exercising daily
    drinking my gallon of water a day
    spending time in prayer
    not eating a bite of anything when im on the phone!!
    Eat only when sitting at the dinner table.
    organise my house one room at a time...or cabinet at a time.
    PUT MYSELF FIRST!! something I have never done!!
  • Ok I usually don't workout on Sundays.
    But I hope to keep my calorie count down to 1300 and no cookies today...
  • I have restarted calorie counting. i can't workout until at least tomorrow, but if I feel up to it, I'll be at the gym.

    Today we are having Christmas/going away party w/ my brother's and their families. I have no idea what the food will be, so I am going to do the best I can.
  • I continue to have stomach problems.

    cutting out the gluten has improved my pain levels, my water retention is gone and my intestinal distress has gotten better along with my depression lifting.


    I have horrible pressure/fullness every single time I eat for hours and hours even if it's only a tiny bit of food.

    this is putting a serious cramp in my sex life. augh. My stomach distends so huge I look pregnant, I measured and it's 6 inches bigger or so when this happens. that is kind of insane!

    I ate last night around 11. it's been about 12 hours and I woke up and still feel full and bloated. (not nearly as bad or painful though, last night I could barely breathe.)

    I am getting all this blood work and such cuz I'm trying to participate in a study, they said they will forward my results to my doc, so that's when I'll make a new appt with her. I get the bloodwork on tuesday.

    I think I"m not going to eat today at all. I can't stand this feeling I just want one day free of it.

  • Oh lottie, that sounds horrible!!! I hope you can figure out what is going on!!

    Ok, so I realized that I have lost 5lbs!! Obviously I have been sick and haven't been working out to get the loss, but I will admit I haven't been eating that great either...pretty much eating what sounds good, but in small portions. I am back to calorie counting too. I certainly want to keep up this trend!!!!!

    I had hoped to feel up to doing something today, but idk....we'll see. My nieces let me borrow season three of Gilmore Girls, so I may just rest some more and have marathon LOL!!!

    Have a great OP day!!!!
  • Well I'm

    Actually I've lurked a bit and not posted but haven't been on track in so long there didn't seem to be a point. I logged into my fitday this morning after weighing in and boy was that depressing. Updated my goal bar in my signature to portray my weight gain.

    One day at a time or I will be overwhelmed , so my proclamation is that today will be better than yesterday... hey it's something.

    Lottie~ I hope the blood-work will bring you some answers and soon you will feel better !!!

    I wish every one a GREAT day op!!
  • lottie- bless your heart. I went thru a yr of mystery stomach pain. Never really got to the bottom of it even with ultrasounds cat scan and an MRI. Dr gave me a little pill librex to help with my tummy and it really helped. THey also told me to take fiber choice tablets and that helps more than anything. Do you have a gallbladder? All my issues started after I had mine removed. I will keep you in my prayers and hope t hey find some answers for you.

    I got new walking shoes and a new sports excuse to not exercise now. LOL
    Hitting it hard today!!
  • Thanks I feel awful, normally in the morning I feel better but today my left side hurts. I think I'll come home after work and take a laxative.

    dgramie, no I don't, but it's been gone since 2006 without any real problems.
  • Hi everyone! It's so good to be starting a new year! I'll say this even though I am showing a 6 pound GAIN over the past 3 weeks. Part of it might be TOM coming, but I know I have been so far off track. I'm not crazy upset about it, I knew it wasn't going to be great. And, today I started off with a trip to the gym, and some Body Pump. Back to normal eating, drinking lots of water and I want to make sure I get back to working out every morning. I know I felt better when I did.

    Lottie: So sorry you are having problems. That's no fun! I hope you get to feeling better.

    dgramie: Shoes and a bra!? You are so ready now!

    Jab: Glad you are posting. I had to increase my ticker, too. Darn it! But we'll start moving it downward now!

    MJ: Good for you on the weight loss! I hope you don't have to lose more because of being sick. Stay healthy!

    Beverly: It is always good to be back in our safe zones!!

    Mslynn and Ruslana: Welcome!!!

    And, off we go! Have a great day and year everyone!
  • Okay, I need the support to get going again so I am going to join in here again. I did really well yesterday, so that is encouraging me to keep it going today. This is what I need to do today:

    1. Hit 500 calories burned on my Wii.
    2. 4-6 bottles water
    3. Stick to my eating schedule

    I already missed my AM workout, but I'm not being hard on myself about that as the kids are out of school still and I have my nephew here, so it's difficult to get up and right to exercise. I will try again tomorrow and just focus on wii calories burned today.

    I wish everyone luck today...take it one moment at a time and you will feel so good about your accomplishments at the end of the day!

    Lottie, so sorry about the pain and extended stomach. It sounds miserable ((hugs))
  • Well I have added up my calories for today... 1,294 so I am happy with that.

    Today's food

    granola w/ milk
    coffee w/crm & sugar (will be the last for a while I hope)
    boiled chicken diced up w/celery & splash of lemon juice
    tomato soup

    Had some soda cravings and stared a bit longingly at the vending machine in the breakroom at work... it had the jalapeno cheeto puffs I But I was good.
  • I stayed on plan yesterday, as as of 7:44pm today stayed on plan (heh heh, don't worry, just skim milk with a fruit for tonight left). Went to the gym and did a work out yesterday too.

    got to take this one day at a time and get back to the losing. Has been a lousy weight loss year for me