A strange scale

  • I'm going away for Christmas and suddenly I am realising that during the most difficult diet fortnight of the year I shall have to contend with an unfamiliar scale. It is rather annoying me to think I might do my Monday weigh-in and not know if I actually lost anything because maybe that scale is different from my one at home. I can weigh in early and try to tally up the scale when I arrive with what I weigh here so that at least I can see that I have lost x amount even if I cannot rely on my actual weight... it's a daft question but what do you do when you have to convert to an unfamiliar scale?
  • I was just thinking about this myself.

    I leave Monday to go to my sister's house for 10 days or so. I've decided, at the risk of boarding the bus to Crazy-ville, to bring my scale with me (I'm driving, so space isn't an issue).

    I haven't gone to this extreme before, but I actually weigh daily, only recording my weight once a week, and my sister has NO scale. I really don't want to be without a scale at all for that length of time. ESPECIALLY with the insane number of food temptations I'll be facing, as well.

    In addition, I'm really close to my next goal benchmark, and it only counts on the same scale I've been using all along. A little OCD? Probably? Helpful at this stage of the game? Definitely.
  • I would do what you said: weigh in at your house, weigh in when you get to the new place and keep track that way.

    Also, if you are keeping with your same foods, or planning in the consumption of extra foods you should have a pretty good idea of whether you'll gain or lose. And, any gains from overeating might not even show up until you get back home anyway.
  • I would weigh myself nekkid in the morning to get my real weight.
    I would immediately weigh myself again with clothes on, to get real+clothes.

    As soon as I got to my destination I'd nip 'to the loo' in the same clothes and re-weigh, then work out whether the new scale is higher or lower.
    Come morning, I'd weigh nekkid again, and do the maths.
    My version of Crazyville!!!!! ;D
  • I agree with the others. Weigh at home and then immediately when you get there. Or, you can take your scale.

    I went to my inlaws this past summer and didn't even think about the scale issue. I weighed myself a week after I got there and I was down 3lbs from the last weigh (done the morning we left) I was totally doing my happy dance!!! 3 days later, it only showed a 2.5lb loss, but I hadn't been eating the best. I got home and was actually UP 5lbs from the last time I weighed on MY SCALE. Their scale was off by at least 4lbs. Talk about devastated!! LOL
  • I went on vacation this summer and took my scale. I decided that I didn't care if this put me on the bus to crazy-ville, this was too important to me.

    Have fun on your holiday trip!!
  • I know people who bring their own sheets when they go to hotels... I'd bring the scale. Besides, I hear Crazyville is lovely this time of year.
  • Not disagreeing with previous posts (all of which I've done), just adding another option. You could also put something of a definite weight on their scale. A weight, sack of flour... Of course it should be a larger amount of pounds. My scale is accurate... on the dot for under 5 pounds but as you add weight up to 50 pounds, it slides on an extra couple of pounds. I know it's not the weights because I have sets of hand weights. No matter which combo of weights I use to get to 50, there is an extra 2 pounds. So.... grab some hand weights and check your scale and then do the same at their house. Do the math on your weigh-ins.

    This is what I do when I buy a new scale. Years later I'm not trying to guess if I'm just larger at the same weight I was 5 years ago or if my scale was off by 5 or 10 pounds. Bought a new scale last year and the difference between my old scale and new was 9.something pounds. Big bummer for me when I realized that I was 9 pounds further away from goal than I thought!
  • I'm afraid you need to travel first class on the crazy train to realise that the same scale on a different surface is sadly just as inaccurate. If you weigh yourself at home on carpet then in a hotel room on tiles you will gain probably 5-8lbs. If you weigh at home on concrete floors then go away and weigh on sagging floorboards (which FIL has) then you lose weight. Will just have to consider this as a only a guideline weight, which is a pain. Glad I weighed in this morning, though, I've been feeling smaller and that's another just under 2.5lbs off. Makes up for 2 weeks of nothing followed by another 1 pounder.

    I might take my own if it seems like it might fit. Regardless of the floor surface thing I just feel so much safer on there, and will just knock off anything I need to. Sadly it's going to take so many hours to get there that even if I try to tally weights it's probably not going to work, but I'll be able to tell if I got bigger or smaller while I'm there. Due for another 2 week maintain on my own pattern anyway.
  • Quote: I'm afraid you need to travel first class on the crazy train to realise that the same scale on a different surface is sadly just as inaccurate.
    If I'm going to Crazyville anyway, I might as well travel first class!!