WW Favorite things song?

  • I heard a song at a WW meeting sung to the tune of "My favorite Things" but was pertaining to Stress/food/Weight Watchers...has anyone heard this and do you know where I can find it?
  • WW "Favorite Things" Song
    Check here.....

    Is this what you were looking for?

    Sandy in Alaska
  • #2 WW "Favorite Things" Song
    (Sung to "My Favorite Things"). My leader friend in Northridge, Rosemary, composed the following song, with apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein --

    "My Favorite Things"

    Raindrops on freeways I'm gridlocked in taffic
    Gonna be late and I'm starting to panic
    Muffins and bagels a co-worker brings,
    And so I eat all these favorite things!

    Fresh cookies baking while shopping at Macy's
    Bolt to the food court, my appetite's crazy
    So many restaurants each one my name sings
    And so I inhale my favorite things!

    When the dog wets, when the kids cry
    When my soap's replaced
    I simply go to pantry, freezer or fridge
    And proceed to stuff my face!

    Magazine photos, the food shows on cable,
    Leftover pizza stares up from the table
    Comfy on sofa - the VCR plays
    I max out points in my favorite ways.

    Coffee breaks, lunchtime, the 3:00 hour
    Vending machine taunts my chocolate willpower
    Projects piled desk high, the phones always ring,
    Open the drawer - reach for favorite things!

    Take my vacation, return due to monsoon
    In-laws to visit, must redo the guest room
    Phone rings I answer, - oy! Mom's coming, too
    Time to dive into my favorite foods!

    When my mind snaps, with my resolve
    Triggers take their toll
    I simply remember there's always a choice
    And soon I am in control!!!


    (Do you offer voice lessons now, too???) :O)
  • Voices Lessons?
    Funny that you asked as I am a retired music and band teacher.... HONEST!
    Taught 3 years in Upstate NY, and 24 years in Palmer, Alaska - including 1 year in Melbourne, Australia.

    Now I am a WW employee as my second carreer!

    If you come across any other songs, I am VERY interested...
    Would you please kindly e mail them to me at:

    [email protected]

  • Thank you for posting that!I am printing it out for my friends at our next meeting.
  • Thanks for posting your question!
    Thank you for posting your question. I too, plan on sharing this with some of my WW friends!
    It's a rainy, gloomy day here in the Northeast and it indeed brought a smile to my face this morning.
    Once again, thanks!