A&E show: HEAVY

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  • Ok, so i confess, i watch hoarders, but now they have been advertising a new show called "heavy". All i know is what i have gathered from commercials. It seems really interesting-the one i saw had a man about 400 pounds talking about how complicated weight loss is-that it is not just physical, but very much mental (of course they showed him eating while he was talking about it)... so i am very curious-it doesn't seem "biggest losery" and i am interested in their take on it. Has anyone else seen anything about it? Do you think you may watch it (i know this is very limited information)?

    i did find this thru google:
    4/1/10 - 5/5/10
    currently in development (2010-2011 season)
    ordered to series
    10 one-hour episodes
    (from A&E's press release, May 2010) "I'm Heavy" is an intimate look at the remarkable journeys of individuals whose daily struggle with their weight has overtaken their lives. Viewers will get unprecedented access into the lives of participants - who come from all walks of life but share the inability to manage their escalating weight - as they go through a six month program. The process will begin with an intensive in-patient treatment and therapy program where participants will learn the knowledge and techniques necessary to inspire dramatic results and we'll continue to follow them as they transition back to their daily lives. Two individual transformations will be told in each episode, from the points of view of both individuals, and their friends and family affected. Will these overweight individuals be able to overcome behavioral problems and food addictions to achieve true life change?
  • So THAT'S what the commercial was! I was watching Hoarders too the other night and I caught about 10 seconds of this commercial - just enough to be interested but not enough to really get an idea of what the show was about. Might be interesting.
  • Thank you for posting this. I love A&E and I also get engrossed watching Hoarders. Any shows to do with the human psyche and all of the different oddities that we share just fascinates me. I actually must have missed this commercial, but now I will be on the lookout. If you find any other info, would you mind posting it for us?
  • me too
    i enjoy the human psyche type shows as well, very much. i tried to go to A&e's website and find the date/time of the first episode, but i couldn't. If i do find when the first episode is coming on, i will post, please do the same for me. i'd really like to watch it. Thanks!

  • I find these types of shows very depressing (Intervention, Hoarders, etc.) and choose not to watch them. I realize these people have signed up and are willing to air their issues, but it is too much for me.
  • I love Hoarders! Yes, it's depressing but I find it fascinating. I am very anti-clutter but always feel like I am one twig snap away from becoming a hoarder. I don't know why. There's very little I keep.

    Yes, I'll watch this show. I love reality shows that are actually based on reality. LOL! These feel more like documentaries to me.
  • Those of you who like documentary style reality tv, will truley appreciate this show.
    If youre more into the Biggest Loser type schpeel, where everything looks like rainbows and lollipops, then it isnt for you. lol
    Heavy will showcase 10 people working hard, suffering, hurting and baring it all on camera for the world to see how it REALLY works in life when youre battling your own body and mind.
  • Quote: Those of you who like documentary style reality tv, will truley appreciate this show.
    If youre more into the Biggest Loser type schpeel, where everything looks like rainbows and lollipops, then it isnt for you. lol
    Heavy will showcase 10 people working hard, suffering, hurting and baring it all on camera for the world to see how it REALLY works in life when youre battling your own body and mind.
    wow that sounds sooo interesting, i will most likely watch it when i have the time. i love the biggest loser, i love seeing the changes their bodies go through and how different they look after the weight loss!
  • QuailingQuazer, just curious, have you seen episodes in advance, or were you involved in some way with the making of this show?

    I trust that A&E will take a more serious look at this issue than an NBC prime-time show, if only because that's part of A&E's image & its brand.
  • Quote: QuailingQuazer, just curious, have you seen episodes in advance, or were you involved in some way with the making of this show?

    I trust that A&E will take a more serious look at this issue than an NBC prime-time show, if only because that's part of A&E's image & its brand.
    Yes maam, I am in fact, a participant in the show. Im hoping people will get a better idea of what it is really like for those of us who have struggled with our weight for years. I wanted to make sure my episode was as real, and true as possible...so basically that means youll see alot of tears and puke from me...lol
    OH, and loads of cursing. Thank heavens for the *bleep*
  • Any news about when it's on? I'm definitely a lot more interested in this than in something like The Biggest Loser (I have an extremely low opinion of TBL and consider it pretty much a circus freak-show for the modern era, so I admit my outlook is biased).

    Something that actually looked at people on real weight-loss plans would be fascinating to me.
  • I'm looking forward to this too! It will be so great to have a show that shows a realistic way to lose weight. Being locked up on a ranch and spending 6 hours a day exercising your *** off is not reality for the general population.

    Quail - does the show address nutrition plans as well as exercise? How long have you been taping?
  • The show will air in January, and I think my episode will actually be the first. We began filming in JUne and just wrapped up last month.
    So far my weight loss is at 80lbs down, thru just diet and exercise.
    I have worked so incredibly hard, but it isnt over...it never will be.

    I too have a very haded impression of TBL....particularly since being invovled with a reality show of sorts, I now know what really happens behind the scenes. lol
  • kewl
    that is very cool you participated. i am very excited to watch this series. i think it's about time people have a good resource. There is a show about everything else-why not address something that so many people have an issue with-weight.
    Best of luck to you!
  • I was already looking forward to it but I think it's even cooler now that you've posted about being on it Qualing! I love Hoarders but can't get into Intervention. But I love any show about weight loss so one done in the vein of Hoarders is right up my alley. Be sure to come back and post when it airs, it would be cool to discuss it with you after we've seen the episode.