How many calories should I eat?

  • OK, I know everyone is different, but is there anybody around my height and weight who is losing consistently who can tell me approximately how many calories I should be eating per day on average? Just as a starting point? I've been doing fine with 1600-ish, but have been stalled for a while, and think it's really time to drop that number. Suggestions?
  • How long have you been stalled? If it's been more that 3 on-plan weeks, I'd drop down OR change what/when I was eating (e.g., more protein) OR up my exercise.
  • It's been 3 weeks exactly! I'm really not complaining, I know it's not that long, but I think I just need to be a little stricter. Perhaps I will drop to 1500 a day and see what happens after a few weeks. I do need to up my exercise, too. I love walking, but it's been so cold and dark! Not a good excuse, I know.
  • Dropping to 1500 certainly isn't going to hurt anything. You might also change what you eat: lots of people lose better if they restrict simple carbs or eat more protein.

    If outside is too depressing, get a set of light dumbbells and work your arms and abs for 20 minutes every other day. ANY exercise is good.

    I would NOT drop your calories and up your exercise at the same time. For me, whenever I up my exercise, I either have to up my calories or really white-knuckle it until my body adjusts: it responds to more activity with a call for more food! For me, attempting to cut calories would be setting myself up for failure. Do one or the other, wait a week or two, and then add the next thing.
  • OK, thanks for your advice! I'll drop the cals first and do that for a couple weeks. I've been thinking for a while that I should probably eat fewer simple carbs as well.
  • Take this with the ever-present grain of salt, but since you asked about people with similar stats . . .

    I started out just "eating less." I was around 185 when I got serious about counting and tracking calories and my daily average goal has been 1400 that whole time. However, I've been looking over my records and realized that, in the beginning, my daily average was closer to 1450 (over the course of a week) and now it's closer to 1350. That was unplanned.

    My weight loss has averaged between 5-8 pounds per month. I exercise 30-45 minutes a day, 4-6 days a week.

    Hope this helps! I've found 1400 to be a very sustainable place for me, once I focused on veggies and protein, and eliminated extra refined carbs. I still have several weekly treats that fit into my plan - an ice cream from McD's, a Skinny Cow, a piece of 85% dark chocolate . . . life without these things would be a dull place.
  • Thanks, Jen! I am aiming for 5 pounds a month, so I will definitely try 1500 a day for a while and see if that works. And McDonald's ice cream cones are an excellent treat!