Back with Yoga

  • I haven't been around this site for a while due to too many excuses. And I had a horrible day today food-wise. But! I bought Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior DVD. Anyone tried it? Even better though, as soon as I'm done posting this, I'm going to do it! If I didn't post, I knew I would go sit on the couch like last night. I'm tired of "trying." Even though today hasn't been the "perfect" day to start over, I'm going to.
  • I haven't tried it. Is it good? I find yoga so hard to do on a video becasue it's hard to see the screen. I'm trying Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred right now and I love it! Let me know how it went.
  • I really like Bob and it seems like this DVD would be a good one. However, I think it's a little too much for me right now. I can only do about 20 minutes out of the hour. I was so very sore the next day though even with that little bit. I really want to keep trying to improve and do more but I don't want to end up hurting myself.

    I'm going to try a couple more days, but I might have to try to find a beginning yoga DVD or the Biggest Loser Yoga.

    My friend has the 30DS and I was thinking about that one too if this yoga didn't work out.