14lbs Difference!!

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  • Too bad it's in the wrong direction...lol. Yeah, I've been struggling over the past few months with staying on plan. I have an application on my iPod that keeps track of my weight and from last January until July it shows a nice downward slope on the graph. However, from July 1st until now, it's like a heart monitor...except they are slowly creeping higher and higher on an upward slope. I blame my sister's bbq on Canada Day for screwing things up! lol

    I was only one pound from my goal...I went from 270 down to 226...and crashed! A couple days ago I tipped the scales at 240 and knew I had to get a grip now!

    So, it's day 3 and I'm back down 3...i guess the title should read "11lbs difference". I know it's not the end of the world, but it's so damn easy to become complacent and figure it's ok to cheat every now and then. I've been cheating every now and then for 4 1/2 months...that sure is a lot longer than the ONE DAY I intended!

    Anyway, just wanted to stop by to say hi and vent a bit...

  • Oh, one more thing...I ain't touching my tracker! lol In 3 weeks I'll be back down there anyway!!
  • Good thing you're getting back on track now before it's too late and you're back at your starting weight. Good luck to you! I'm getting nervous for the holidays because I know I'm going to want "one scoop of stuffing" or "a small slice of cheesecake" and I need to learn to stop myself before it turns into a carb binge lol!
  • I hear it- I was down to 191.5 then after changing up some meds I gained 13.5 lbs. I was pretty mad, I got off the medication and now I'm still up 9.5 lbs, I hate having a setback in my weight loss efforts!
  • I've been struggling since a buffet in early November but no more! Let's do this together!
  • its the addiction we carry..... Had 5 fries and a couple of onion rings yesterday, and have been craving carbs terribly all day. Fortunately, have managed to stay on plan. A couple of days ago I hadn't had a craving in long enough to think I had it licked. But WRONG. I can't take the carbs in moderation, just can't do it either Jason. You can do it. Good luck.
  • It's strange how those cravings work...even though I feel better on low-carb and am in a better mood on low-carb, there's still something that lets me jump off track and binge on high-carb junk.
  • Thats awesome you caught yourself...and back on track..Congrats!!!!

    I do fooled around back and forth for months....2 weeks strong this time...only 5 pounds down in 2 weeks, I am so frustrated...grrr! but giving it a month, then dont know what I will do....I lost 70 pounds yrs ago and kept all but 25 pounds off, I have played with this same 25 pounds, for a yr. up and down....

    I am with y 'all, lets DO IT!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! Day 6 again and I've gotten rid if 5 of those evil pounds...9 more to get back to my lowest and 10 to finally get to the goal I shouldve reached in July...
  • Hey -I'm with ya! Went off for Thanksgiving and my b-day (Dec 1). Back on now. If i don't get back on plan right now, the x-mas holiday goodies will wreak havok no doubt. My son is in a madrigal dinner this weekend. I can't eat much on the menu and it is $25/plate! ahhh I have not gotten on the scale - I know I have gained and that is all I need to know for now - otherwise will get too down. So- back at it! Let's do this!
  • As an update, I added 7 more pounds to my gained weight (21 in total). This time i changed my tracker to reflect it...makes me more accountable...lol. I entered the Easter challenge...hopefully that motivates me!
  • This is a great time of year to get in the swing of things! I think the promise of spring and warmer weather (and shorter pants) is a real motivator. Of course, I'm in Montana and we're looking at -19 tonight. But still, spring will come - even in Canada! Until then, enjoy the health benefits of all that anaerobic shivering!
  • Quote: As an update, I added 7 more pounds to my gained weight (21 in total). This time i changed my tracker to reflect it...makes me more accountable...lol. I entered the Easter challenge...hopefully that motivates me!
    I remember how great you did last year when we were all here together! you can do it again...don't cheat
  • Quote: I remember how great you did last year when we were all here together! you can do it again...don't cheat
    It's funny, I have an ipod app that has a weight tracker in it. I compared my current weight to what I was a year ago and it's identical. On the bright side, I didn't get back up to the 270lbs i was last year when I started. Whatever way I look at it, I'm still 23lbs lighter that 13 months ago...just a few lbs heavier than where I was 6 months ago. Now, if I can only keep my wife from baking choc chip cookies!
  • Quote: It's funny, I have an ipod app that has a weight tracker in it. I compared my current weight to what I was a year ago and it's identical. On the bright side, I didn't get back up to the 270lbs i was last year when I started. Whatever way I look at it, I'm still 23lbs lighter that 13 months ago...just a few lbs heavier than where I was 6 months ago. Now, if I can only keep my wife from baking choc chip cookies!

    LOL at the cookies! I just found a recipe for "chocolate clouds" that I'm gonna try. If you want it I can post it here for ya...hopefully nobody will gripe at me here for doing that I go to another forum now that it is VERY supportive and is mostly low carb people... I do come here for the Biggest Loser thread and other ones though. I saw your name and it was familiar so I popped in here. I think it's awesome that you didn't gain back up to your start weight! you are doing great. I feel better doing low carb. I wish I would have stuck with it last year