Issues with blood sugar

  • I think this needs to go under General Chatter. I'm sorry, I'm horrible at placing things.

    It IS totally possible to be hypoglycemic but not be diabetic or anything, right? I know I need to go see a doctor, but I don't have medical insurance right now and it's not THAT big of a deal, but it IS getting annoying.

    If I don't eat every 4-5 hours, I start getting quiet, I get shakey and anxious, etc. It happens a lot more often than it used to. I used to work 8hours with either one or no breaks in between, but lately if I don't have something right then and there I feel horrible. I've almost passed out once, I was literally seconds away before I jammed a donut into my mouth (before I started losing weight.)

    It's just so inconvenient, I try to remember to pack snacks, but I only can remember half the time. And I do have a glucose monitor so I do keep track of my blood sugar, and I'm never super low or super high. So I just don't get it. I wonder if it will get better with the more weight I lose, or if it's just something unique to me I'll have to deal with.

    Does anyone else have issues with their blood sugar, though? I know a while ago a few people here were telling me if I'm getting lows that I've got to be spiking, which I guess makes sense. I ate breakfast today at 9:30 and was fine until 12ish, but started feeling sick around 1 and didn't get to eat until 3something.

    (I need a box that pops up and says- You already made this topic, doofus! I completely forgot. SORRY EVERYONE.)
  • Hi!

    You've asked questions like this before. It's not unusual for someone who hasn't eaten in 4-5 hours and has been busy the whole time to get lightheaded. It's just too long to go for most folks, especially if you are restricting calories. Just my opinion.

    I'd say, stop looking for an "illness indicator" and remember to pack your snacks! You can't go from 9:30 to 3 without eating and expect to feel hunky dory.

  • Quote: Hi!

    You've asked questions like this before. It's not unusual for someone who hasn't eaten in 4-5 hours and has been busy the whole time to get lightheaded. It's just too long to go for most folks, especially if you are restricting calories. Just my opinion.

    I'd say, stop looking for an "illness indicator" and remember to pack your snacks! You can't go from 9:30 to 3 without eating and expect to feel hunky dory.

    I know I totally forgot I did until I made the topic (that area where I just wrote I remembered it in the post I just made), I have such crappy memory.
    If anything I should get my brain checked lol.
  • Your symptoms seem like low blood sugar, and some people have symptoms when they have significant drops, even if the number on the glucometer is not officially low.
    The answer, as discussed above is small frequent meals. If you have symptoms with a normal diet, of course you should see your doctor, but basically the word is to eat regularly. Otherwise its just not healthy.
  • I used to think I had low blood sugar but I started testing when I felt it was low. If the readings said normal glucose then I lay down and waited for the feeling to pass and it did. I realised that I didn't feel any less hungry when I ate than when I didn't eat because my signals were all messed up, so I'd eat something, but only a set amount, not eat until I felt better. Now I eat regularly to a timetable and the problem has gone away, but it was rarely genuine low blood sugar.