*Need To Be Accountable November perhaps?*

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  • Just realised it's November (at least for me) so I thought I'd start a new thread and we can be accountable all over again with each other in November!

    Hey sun! So glad to hear you're getting back into the exercise! I hope that means your daughter is doing better? Thanks for the encouragement! The photo from Saturday night is in the 20somethings photo thread if you want to go have a look - I feel bad posting it too much, it's in there and last weeks 20somethings chat. I love it so much, I feel so confident and it's nice to have a photo I finally like!

    It feels awesome to have finally made a goal haha (although I did adapt this one a few weeks ago after consistently missing the ones I made). I've made myself another goal now, for 26 November which is our work Christmas party. It's also the day after US Thanksgiving I think? Knowing my mum, who likes to celebrate US holidays, we'll probably have some sort of Thanksgiving dinner perhaps. So I've decided I'd like to be 70kg/154.3pounds by then. That is 4 weeks away. If I make that goal, I will have lost 15kg/33pounds, which is half the weight I'm aiming to lose (unless I actually get to goal and want/can get smaller!).
    I'm just trucking along at work today. Getting up was so hard this morning, the thought of coming here was horrible. It's not so horrible now that I'm here and the day is nearly over though haha. I felt good in my outfit this morning too - until I just went to the bathroom and was pulling back up my stockings/pantihose/tights - and pulled a GIANT hole in the leg! Like not even a run, a massive massive hole. Wondering whether I should just take them off haha, but I'm wearing a shortish skirt and kinda nervous about my legs. Plus it's not exactly that warm.

    Hope everyone is good and had a good weekend!
  • rrainbow That sounds like a doable goal How awful about your stocking! Its so unnerving when your plans for dressing go wrong. I will go look at the photo over in the other thread
  • cute outfit honey... you looked adorable!
  • Sign me up. I need to have a really successful month.

    Started off strong - just got back from spinning! Have meals planned for the week; am NOT drinking any alcohol (I think I'm still hungover from Saturday). Yay! Good luck!
  • I must have a successful month! I need to lose 1.25lbs per week between now and Thanksgiving!
  • so how does this accountability thing work? sign me up too!! i really wanna work out this month and put in some serious effort. wanna reach my mini-goal of 76kg by christmas!! (10kg lost since start)
  • I really need to lose 8 lbs this month! I would like to be in the 160's at the baginning of December! I haven't seen the 160's since highschool.
  • ladies! We just try to post as often as possible so we have encouragement and some place to vent or celebrate!

    I am on my way to the doctors but when I get home I want to restart my p90X and burn through these last 25 lbs....I need to be my old self and fit into my old clothes around my birthday,Jan 9th. I might not be at 125 but atleast in the 130s I hope...or close.
    Hope you all have a great day!
  • I want to see 159 before the month is out. That's 10 pounds.

    I know that's a lot, but I've been touching 168 and 169 consistently for a few weeks, so I'm planning on having a few stellar, on plan days and breaking through!

    I have my birthday in a week and a half, and I'll probably do some damage alcohol-wise. Also, a friend is going to host a Thanksgiving dinner since we can't go home for the holiday. So, I'm giving myself permission for those two days, and that's ALL. Not like October.

    Good luck ladies!
  • Hey newcomers (most of whom I know from Weekly Chats!)

    It's basically what sun said, we just come here and keep each other accountable - vent annoyances and troubles, celebrate victories and achievements!

    Linds 1.25pounds per week is totally reasonable!

    Kawaii As I said over in the other thread, I think 3 kilograms is more than doable, you could lose even more than that!

    JL Go you! 8 pounds would be awesome and I think you can do it!

    fatmac I wish you luck! 10 pounds in a month is a lot but with determination and commitment I think it's possible!
  • Ha, yeah I'm a bit of an overachiever. In all honesty, I would be ecstatic to be solid around 163 but I like aiming high

    Had a good day. I've been spinning every morning before work, but then I'm too tired to work out after work! I don't HAVE to exercise twice per day, but I like going after work as well (keeps me from eating when I'm bored at home!). I also haven't lifted weights in like 3 weeks, at least. Or run - and I'm running a 10k on November 25th! Ahhh!

    I also really like getting up early and having a strict morning routine - I've been getting to work an hour earlier than normal just because I'm up and ready to go after the gym! I guess there are worse things that could happen... but my goal is to go to the gym ONE day after work this week (and spin all 5 work days).
  • fatmac I have a friend who spins , haven't tried it yet but it sounds fun. I like aiming high too so I get further and push harder.

    So I worked out today, first day of p90X and am good with calories. Hope I am able to maintain will my daughter not sleeping well. Will check in later.
  • Made to the gym! It is truly a daily battle. This month I really need to get some good weightloss since I will be on the beach over Christmas.

    My goal is going to the gym 6x's per week and adding 3 "extra" workouts each week (shred in the morning or walking at lunch). I'll be checking in here regularly and keeping track of my progress!
  • I got an awesome (if a little short) jog/walk in after work yesterday, beat my previous personal best for outdoors jogging. I think I jogged 2km of the 2.8km route, which is impressive for me, especially as it was hilly!
    I have my 1 hour Zumba class after work today which I'm looking forward to. The only real challenge I'm facing at the moment is that I didn't bring my lunch to work with me and have no idea what to get, and I also have a huge mess of clothes to tidy up at my boyfriend's that I've been putting off tidying up for ages. It must be done but I REALLY don't want to do it, it seems like such a big job.
  • ah ok, i see good luck all!

    wow, i really don't like aiming too high cuz i'm afraid i wont reach those goals and then be disapointed. so setting small goals and being happy when you do even better than planned is the way to go for me! i really wanna reach that 76kg!!! i know it doesn't seem like much but i've been hovering between 80 and 79kg for the last month so... grrr....

    i'm gonna see if i have enough energy to do 30DS after work today too... i'm really impressed by all you girlies on here working out 6x a week or even twice a day!! i could never do that! lol.