What should I be focusing on?

  • Hey, I'm new to exercising and I'm definitely VERY out of shape! I have Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds video but I don't have any weights or anything.

    When you start working out, do you take it slow at first (like WATP) or do you jump right in to the harder videos and do the best you can? My problem areas are my arms and my stomach so I'd like to do exercises that focus on those areas but like I said I'm very out of shape. What can I do to tone these areas without overdoing it? I don't want to strain my body too hard but at the same time I don't want to go too easy on it if you know what I mean--I want something that works! Any video suggestions?
  • I can say that for me I started out using Walk Away the Pounds, I actually lost my first 32 pounds strictly with Leslie Sansone videos. When I shed that weight it gave me more energy and motivation to move on to different workouts, I moved on to Turbo Jam and now Im doing Turbo Fire. So yes, I am someone who recommends starting out more slowly, especially with Walk Away the Pounds. You'll be amazed at how quickly the weight falls off and how many calories you burn just walking!