Halloween Here I Come!

  • I'm so jazzed because this is the first halloween since I was fifteen that I will actually be dressing up for. My friends in the past have gone to the club and dressed up but I stayed behind because I felt too self-conscious about my weight. I thought about all the girls who would be dressing up skimpy and skanky and I would be huge and grose in comparison.

    Although I look back now and wish I had been more out-going.

    I'm not stayin home this halloween! This is the halloween in which I go to the club and out-skank all those girls...that sounded better in my head. I'm rockin' the Bat Girl costume ...the one with the mini skirt and high boots...not the full tight body suite.

    I can already here my theme music....'da na na naa batgirl batgirl.'

    Is anyone else going out for Halloween and has anyone else felt self-conscious about going out?

  • I'm going as Hit Girl from Kick ***. I haven't dressed up since my Senior year of high school, mostly because I never went to Halloween parties. This year, I'm throwing my own. I can't wait.
  • I used to love going out for halloween...then I hit college. The less you wear the better the costume seems to be the theme, and I'm way too self conscious for that. When I do dress up I usually rock the gypsy look with the full skirts the corset and the boots. That's actually what I plan this year, but I moved out of university housing, so I don't have that pressure anymore. Yay lol
  • i'm not dressing up this year... still too fat... next year, though!!
  • I've never missed a Halloween, but this is the first year I'm doing the "less is more, nearly-nude" thing. I'll be attending a party in an abandoned resort complex in the middle of nowhere with my boyfriend as Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love...